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I got into the car with a huff, my mind already exhausted from whatever school was. I didn't even want to go there. And I just wanted to go home. But my home wasn't even my home.

My life sucked, to say the least.

"So." he began, driving at exactly the mph. What kind of psychopath did that? "when you get home I need you to cook and then do the list of chores I put on your desk this morning."

I stared out the window, shaking my head. I had a terrible day and now I had to do everything and the world so I didn't get hit or shit.

What the fuck did the person in my last life do to make this one so fucked up?

I stayed as still as possible, not wanting to anger him with my breathing. The smallest movement could awaken the beast, and I really didn't want that to happen.

We finally arrived at home, and he sat down, grabbing a beer from the mini fridge and flopped onto the sofa with a large groan. Oh yeah because he had such a  hard day.

I ran up the stairs and threw the bag onto the dipoladated carpet before looking at the list of stuff to do.

- cook dinner
- do the laundry
- call the hot water guy
- buy me more beer
- clean the toilet

What if I said no?

What if I just went downstairs, threw the list at him and said no? I mean yeah he would do worse than hitting me, but what was the point anymore?

I wanted to die anyways.

I had already had enough of this and it had hardly been a week.

I took the list downstairs and began to wash the carrots, preparing something for dinner.

My "dad" got up off the sofa, for once, and watched over me as I chopped the carrots.

"What are you doing?" he gruffly asked, uncomfortably close to me.

"Making dinner. What does it look like?"

"I don't need that sass from you, young lady. Remember what happened last time?"

"Yes I do remember."

He nodded, and turned to walk away, but I carried on speaking. I don't know what came over me.

"I'm done. I'm not doing all of these chores anymore. I've done everything for you for the past two years. And all you've done is hit me or hurt me. So I'm done."

"What did you just say to me?" He ran towards me, and I could feel the drum in my chest. Why the fuck did I say that. "I will teach you a lesson, you fucking whore."

He raised his hand and hit me, right across the cheek. It stung like shit. He grabbed me by the hair and dragged me across the floor, but I fought back.

I kicked and I screamed until he doubled over in pain, clutching his chest. He got to his feet quickly, shattering his beer bottle on the floor and gripping onto my wrist as hard as he could.

"get...off...me" I breathed, losing strength every second.

He dragged me and picked up the knife I was using to cut the carrots. Fuck. Shit. Not again.

I twisted away from his grip, hitting his hand in the air, so the knife went clattering to the ground.

He crawled across the floor to reach for it but I stepped on his fingers and picked it up myself.

He stood up in front of me, and started me down.

"Give me that if you know what's good for you."


He took steps towards me, and before I could even think, the knife lodged into his chest and he collapsed on the floor, causing the knife to leave his body as well.

word count: 689

hey!! I'm really sorry if this triggered any of you and I tried my best to make it realistic but if I did it wrong or you have any ideas for me to make this chapter better then let me know please!!

I love you guys


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