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I was finally back home, not my home.
Kaitlyn's home.
My safe place.

It was the 2nd of November (a week after the sleepover with the guys), the date my dad began to drink. The date my dad began to hurt me.

Today was going to be rough.

I was sat on Kaitlyn's bedroom floor, she had gone to the shops because of some reason she didn't want to explain.

I sat on her wooden floor, gazing at the fairy lights and vines numbly. Too many thoughts were filling my mind.

Today was the day it all began.

This time last year, I thought things would never lighten up. I thought I would die at my dad's hands.

Little did past me know, it was not going to be another year of the shit he did to me.

Past me didn't know she would get out, that she would be safe. That all the bruises had finally healed and I was able to do whatever I wanted.

But that didn't stop the nagging in my mind after he left the note in my locker.

He knew where I was and he was coming to find me.


Kaitlyn opened her bedroom door, with arms full of ice cream and chocolate. I gave her a confused smile as she handed me the Salted Caramel one.

"I know today's going to be bad for you and I got snacks. You haven't told me much and you don't have to but I just wanted to let you know I'm here to talk, to hug you and I'm never leaving." she explained, dropping a spoon in my lap and digging into her ice cream.

I gave her a grateful smile, and smeared ice cream on her nose. It was needed, ok?

"That's war!" she proclaimed, smearing it across my cheek.

I flicked her on the forehead playfully and wiped her ice cream off, putting it in my mouth.

"I actually do want to talk about it. I-I haven't really told you or anyone anything but I want you to promise you won't tell anyone because I don't want to go into foster care. I'm seventeen so I still can." I told her, once we finished our little ice cream fight.

I did want to tell someone and she had always been there for me, through thick and thin.

"Babe, I promise. You don't have to tell me anything but I'm here."

I gave her a grateful grin, but I had already made up my mind. I was going to let everything out, and I trusted her more than anything.

"It all started two years ago. I was only fifteen, I was all alone because you know, I never knew my mum, it was like she never existed. All I knew was that it was an unplanned pregnancy and she didn't want me. I came home one day and he was completely wasted. Didn't have a single sober bone in his body. He came up to me and breathed his disgusting alcohol breath in my face, it was horrible." I took a few deep breaths, knowing the tears were about to come, "he-he asked why I was late home, he said he had been waiting for me. I told him I was with Daniel, he called me a wh-whore and began to-to shove me. I lost my footing and-and-and-"

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