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(Astrid's POV)

"So, Astrid...Garcia, is it?" Maggie asked me, once we are sat outside.

"Yeah." I replied with, giving her a confused look.

"I heard someone called Jack Garcia was looking for his daughter, ever heard of him or is it just a coincidence?" she asked once again, panic freezing my brain.

I met her eyes, her smirk was daunting me as she said her next sentence.

"What a shame that I know exactly where you live now, babe." she glared at me, the innocence that covered her face long gone.

"Wha-what do you want?" I replied with, picking the skin on the corners of my nails, not wanting to meet her eyes. Why did I trust her so blindly?

"Break up with Carter." she told me, smiling with a glare.

What in the Wattpad?

She could tell me to do whatever the hell she wanted as blackmail, but there was no way I was going to break up with him.

Carter and Jordan appeared where we were and he grabbed my hand. I looked at him, anxiously. Should I tell him?

He walked me over to the kitchen, grabbing my waist with his ring-clad hands and placing me on the counter. He stared into my eyes, waiting.

"What happened?" he asked gruffly, caressing the side of my face while I stared at him.

I didn't say a thing, which made him ask the question another three times.

"Please, baby, tell me what happened." he pleaded, placing a hand on my thigh and stroking it softly, causing butterflies to swarm in my stomach.

"Don't get angry or do anything you'll regret, ok?" I pleaded with him, holding a hand to the side of his face and gently rubbing it.


"She uh- she said that if I don't break up with you she'll tell my dad where I am."

Carter glared at me, in anger but not towards me. He grabbed me into a hug, putting his head on my shoulder as he held me to him. I wrapped my arms around his torso, kissing his head again and again.

He mumbled something into my shirt, I didn't hear what he said.

"Babe, I can't hear you." I told him, stroking his hair as he lifted his head.

"Thank you for telling me. I don't know what I would have done if you just broke up with me. Please don't tell me you are going to."

"I won't. But...you might need to get more security in here if..." I trailed off, and he knew exactly where my sentence was heading.

He nodded ecastically, pecking my lips while he helped me jump off the counter. The doorbell rang, and Jasmine was standing there, bags of popcorn in her arms.

"Hey Jas!" I said, hugging her.

"Hi Trid!" she smiled, and I led her into the living room, Carter walking behind us like a creepy bodyguard.


I looked at Carter, who was asleep in my lap and snoring slightly. Aiden and Jordan took a picture or two of him, smiling at me. Jasmine was asleep on the armchair, curled up into a little ball. I caught Aiden staring at her, and I smiled to myself.

Maggie was long gone, the moment Jordan had found out what she had said, he kicked her out of the house and angrily had a go at her, saying how he wished I was his sister because I would never do something like that or something.

Astrid Where stories live. Discover now