Out Cold

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The morphine continued to drip, and the nurse took measurements, speaking to her patient slowly. It had been two days since she had awoken from her coma. The morphine continued to keep her asleep. Today, she would be transferred.

"Lovely numbers. Rupert has done amazingly. Sorry, dear, I know you don't want to be disturbed," she said, placing the cuff on her arm.

Lexi shifted in the bed, rolling onto her side. The nurse sighed out of all her patients over the years: she had never seen someone so loved and quickly recovered from a grim outlook. She was a fighter; who wouldn't when you have a handsome cheerleader?

Lexi groaned in her sleep.

"There, there. All done! Ready to go." The nurse removed her gloves, "I wish you a speedy recovery."

The door opened, her usual visitor. The nurse smiled at him, "Ready to go home?"

"Ah, yes. I hope she will wake up soon. I knew she loved to sleep, but... is taking it too far." Leo chuckled, sitting next to the bed a little chirpier than before.

The non-emergency ambulance moved as quickly as possible on the smooth tarmac of the motorway. The patient it was carrying jostled slightly, and they had a convoy following them to Pendle.

Isobelle hummed lightly along to the tune from the radio as she followed the van. Keiron and Alex are in the back seat catching up from the year apart.

Devan took a bite of the sandwich as Quinn and Seri gossiped in the rear. He moved to the right lane to overtake Leo in the middle.

Tutting, Leo slowed, leaving a gap. As they passed, Lathen stuck two fingers from the passenger seat and called Devan to complain.

When Lexi was settled in a hospital room in Pendle, her morphine wore thin, and she groaned in pain as she shifted into a more comfortable position.

"I don't understand why they gave her that much morphine!" complained the doctor, "reduce it by half," she ordered, continuing her rounds.

I groaned; my head and ribs throbbed. Whatever I was lying on was uncomfortable.

Pain washed over my body as I shifted achingly onto my back. I felt a hand grab mine, and I blinked as the harsh light pierced my eyes.

Leo came into my line of sight, "Hello, sleepyhead."

I groaned and threw an aching arm over my eyes, "Hello," I grunted.

He chuckled and kissed my hand; it felt wet when he pulled away, and I glanced in his direction. Tears ran from his eyes.

"Please don't ever do that again."

I couldn't help but feel a lump in my throat, and my eyes watered, too. He got up from the chair and placed his forehead on mine. Although my head throbbed, the touch was comforting.

I took him in more, examining him. With the lock gone, everything felt different. His blue eyes almost glowed with electricity. He looked more... handsome and enticing with his slightly outgrown stubble, if possible. I swallowed; I felt my heart beat faster and my cheeks flush. I felt warm between his slightly rough hands. The connection felt more intense, and I blinked tears away.

'Is this how he saw me?'

I could feel he was hurting but relieved. No wonder he could always tell I was lying or hurting. He could feel it. He sighed as he leaned away slightly, stroking my cheeks.

"Ugh, I ache all over. I can barely remember anything." I closed my heavy eyelids.

He pulled the chair closer to my head and helped me sit up using the controls, "Well, do you remember what happened in the abbey?"

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