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She knew they would try again. She took a deep breath; she was drained from the spells she placed. She had to cover her steps. There was no more room for fuck ups.

She watched and waited, hoping her blocks were successful.

They would not unveil anything else.

Blackspit had to recover before another scare attempt.



The next morning, the storm was still raging. Large snowflakes accumulated, adding to the meter of snow.

Luckily, Morgan had fetched plenty of food and drinks before the snow hit hard. All the doors were shut, keeping the heat contained, and Leo and I settled down on the floor, facing each other again.

Maddie was sat next to Morgan on the sofa. She was taking in the instructions and making notes. She seemed to be a diligent student.

"Well, this is going to be different for you both. I want you to try and find another lifetime you have not seen before," Morgan addressed both of us.

"You both know what the necklace looks like. You were correct, Lexi. It changes with the times. Let's see what you find."

"Would it not be better for them to hold this necklace?" Maddie asked, confused.

"No," Morgan quickly replied, "While it might be helpful, I still don't know exactly what it is."

"Then they have no point to start from," Morgan countered.

Morgan smiled knowingly, "Good point. That's where I come in." She rolled up her sleeves and joined us on the floor.

"Maddie, make notes. I won't be able to while I'm under."

She sat cross-legged and moved the mirror so it was in front of Maddie. She held out a hand to Leo and me.

"I noticed both times in the Astral. You were situated in a forest. Focus on that, and I will see what other spirits or spells are at work here... Close your eyes..."

Touching Morgan's hand, a shot of electricity gathered up my arm, making me feel warm and sleepy.

I blinked awake. We were once again in the forest and separated. Leo and I found each other again near Anna and Edward's lifetime.

"Morgan, are you here too?" my voice echoed around.

No. But I am watching. Keep going... try walking north.

"North...? How do we know which way?" Leo asked. Leo asked, looking around.

"Moss!" I exclaimed, pointing to the trees and rocks.

"...Moss?" Leo asked. I could hear Morgan's voice tingling.

"Moss grows where there is sun, and the sun moves east to west..." I explained, pointing to a rock mostly covered on one side.


Henry will follow you.


Holding hands, we walked on, looking out for anything: another lifetime, crows, music, sounds. Ignoring the jazz music, the area soon turned quiet, only birds tweeting around us. Despite the tranquil setting, I was on edge, waiting for something to happen.

A piercing cry sounded out, echoing around in the treetops.

A primal, angry scream and a metallic clang made my ears ring.

Protecting Earth and Turbulent WatersWhere stories live. Discover now