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"Well shit," murmured Quinn after I recited everything in more detail.

"What about the council? Are they not coming?" Devan asked sceptically.

"They know I'm home, but they have a lead on our vamp. That takes priority right now," I answered. My throat was dry and scratchy.

"About damn time," Quinn said.

After a few moments of silence, Lathen posed, "Movie and takeaway? My place?"

I smiled, "That sounds great right now."

"That's settled," Deven hopped up swiftly, "Let's get out of the cold!"

We trekked forward, Seri and Quinn holding my arms and hugging me as close as possible. We whispered back and forth about little things, catching up on what I had missed at home and what food to order... they kept my mind distracted.

I gazed at the guys leading the way in front of us. Lathen was right. I needed my family; I needed my friends.

I didn't realise how deeply I missed them.


The young coven settled in the warm, welcoming home of the Derwent household.

The movie playing in the background was ignored as laughter and memories were shared. The fire crackling in the hearth provided warmth. All five circled the carpeted floor, playing Gin with some well-worn playing cards—all to keep her distracted.

He watched Lexi out of the corner of his eyes. He had never seen her that... chaotic.

He saw the forest and trees smoking and investigated, thinking it was some punks trying to play with fire. He never thought Lexi was causing it.

They all kept her distracted and laughing. He didn't pretend to imagine her pain. All he could and would do was be there for her like he was when her dad and grandmother passed. However, there was a certain someone he needed to see.

He noticed a yawn escape her mouth. She was undoubtedly tired after an outburst, and her eyes slowly began drooping. Seri noticed and, with a slight smile, covered her with a blanket.

The girls pulled her in close.

Warm and conformable, Lexi finally fell asleep.

Devan's small smile slowly disappeared, and the four shared the same look. None of them had seen her destructively use her magic. None of them expected Lexi to come back home alone.

Devan asked Lathen, "Do you know where he is?"

"No, she didn't tell me. But... I know a little familiar that might," Lathen replied, stretching and getting up.

"I'll come with-" "No..." Lathen interrupted.

"You need to stay here and look after them. Leo and I have a deal to sort."

"A deal?" Quinn asked.

Lathen said nothing, only smiled and, with a little wave, left the house.

His face gave nothing away as he walked to the Langton's house. Through the coven grapevine, he found out Sooty, Lexi's familiar, had made his way to Lexi in Scotland after the disappearance stunt. He would need help finding Leo and reminding him of their deal.

After knocking, Isobelle opened the door.

"Lathen, hello," her voice croaked.

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