Golden Eyes

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He tucked the covers under her chin again and stroked her damp hair. It had been two days, and she was still feverish, with a higher temperature than humans, as to be expected. She mumbled and groaned in her sleep, making him more concerned.

The moments she was awake, she wasn't making sense anymore, but he got her to take tablets to try and bring the fever down.

It wasn't common for a witch to be sick. Very rarely would they have fevers.

He kept a watchful eye for anything out of the ordinary.



I heard the front door slam open. I immediately jumped and ran through to the front door, picking up my skirt as I went.

"Anabel?" I heard the faint voice of my husband.

"Deigo? Lo que está mal?"

Turning the corner, I answered my own question.

Deigo leaned against the door, clutching his side. Blood poured from the wound.

"No!" I whispered, my hands cupping my shocked mouth.

He grunted and slid down the door. I quickly ran over to him, holding his hand over his wound, and shouted for help.

"Look at me," he begged, "You are safe now. Everything I have will go to you. Look after yourself."

"Deigo, no! You cannot leave me! We still have our honeymoon!"

"You must go without me."

He coughed up blood as panicked neighbours finally started to arrive.

"No! No!" I cried before being pulled away from him.

I was too hysterical to speak.


Deigo had no family. His father and mother disowned him to be with me. My sister helped me through it all: the funeral, his will, and his estate. What he said was true.

He put everything in my name.

I was now the youngest widow in the town, and months later, I still wore black in mourning.

"Anabel." My sister comforted me once more, "You need time away. We are all worried about you."

"How can I when there is still so much to do?" I worried.

"Listen. The trip is coming up..."

I shook my head, "No. It will just remind me of him. We were meant to go together."

She sighed, "I know, but Deigo wanted you to go. Don't forget that is where he wanted to lay... Take time away. I will oversee things here."

I hated she was right. Even in his will, he stated that some of his ashes should be spread over a particular cliff: the one where we met, the one we planned to visit on our honeymoon.

"Take some time to think about it. You will have to do it eventually."

She hugged me once more before leaving me to my thoughts.



I frowned at the weird word. Lexi?

The ground began to shake. Fearful, I closed my eyes and braced.

"Lexi, wake up."


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