The Council

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I whined as a soft knock woke us both.

"Go away," I grunted loudly.

Leo's chest vibrated with small laughter as the door opened.

"I don't think she heard you."

"Did you not set your alarm this morning?" Morgan asked.

"No." We both replied.

"I'm not playing today," I added, pulling the covers up.

After a few moments, the door shut, and her footsteps receded down the steps.

"What time is it?" I grumbled.

"Half seven."

I groaned louder and rolled over.


I could finally breathe.

Looking out over the sea, seagulls and gentle waves. We had only been here half an hour, yet it was precisely what I needed.



This is not what she needed. Although her jaw ached, she continued to grind her teeth.

Killing the thing was going to be difficult. Blackspit took the symbol to Badb, one of the Morrigan. Their face looked like thunder and replied, "I will deal with this."

Cornelius still had his tail between his legs and was not responding to her calls. She finally had Lexi doubting herself and their relationship on the brink.

She watched them strolling. Pretending to be happy. She had one final trick up her sleeve.

She took the letter that mimicked Morgan's writing and her seal with 'Anabel and Carmilo' written on the front.

It was the only lifetime both of them lived.

She hoped it would be the final nail to separate them.

"Here. Give this to our friends."

With a small wave of her hand, the crow took the letter into its beak and glamoured it to look like a raven.

The messenger went on his merry way.



He was forced to sit. His hands were bound to his feet with iron shackles and a heavy chain. The only light came from a small window with iron bars, and his connection to the outside world was the guards who would often walk up and down the hallway. He could hear them now, echoing against the stone walls.

Nixon definitely felt far from home.

He knew what he had done would come back to bite him eventually. He didn't think it would be this soon.

Why he ever listened to the old Witch, he never understood it himself, but the old Crone was persuasive.

He tried to shift into a more comfortable position, but the iron bit at his skin. It was red and raw, and he was covered in grime.

The footsteps stopped directly in front of his cage. Nixon's greasy head peeked up.

"Are you ready to start talking yet?" Came a tired voice.

It seemed Nixon wasn't the only one who didn't want to be here.

"I already told everything. I have nothing else to say."

The metal lock clinked, and the gate opened. Nixon was dragged from the centre of his stoned cage.

They unbound his hands from his feet, allowing him to walk with dignity.

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