
18 4 11

2nd August

I have just returned home; I did not intend to miss Lughnasadh, but needs must take precedence.

I am better off waiting until we are closer to Samhain, when the veil is thinner.

Bistlecast is extraordinary. Her knowledge is vast and well-documented. She taught me all I wished to know for a small price.

However, her teachings seem rushed, like she is hiding something. But I suppose she wanted to stay secret. She wanted me gone that I can understand!

I have missed my darling wife and family. This past week, up in the cold areas of Scotland, made me miss the warmth of home.

She has confirmed several things, however. Indeed, if Lexi meets her fated, she will be doomed from the start. The dance of rebirth and death was never-ending, and the necklace played a part. I have been given instructions on destroying it once I have found it.

Wish me luck.



"Leo?" I asked, hearing my voice echo around the wood.

"Here, Lexi," I heard his voice to the left of me.

We seem to spend more time in the astral than dreaming. I was glad he was with me.

"There is something that's been bothering me..." I trail off as Leo entwined our fingers.


"It is not easy to get to the astral. Normally, you have to put in a lot of effort and meditation... So how do we find ourselves here so easily?"

Leo thought for a moment, "I didn't think of that... at first, we thought it was the necklace doing this."

He looked around as if searching for something.

"They stopped after we buried it."

"Well, remember when your lock was released?"

"Oh, yes. The fate line connection..."

"but..." Leo stretched, "After that... my mother appeared. You were in a coma..."

"You still think your mother has a big part in this."

"I think she is the whole reason for this..."

Caw! Caw!

Leo's eyes followed something behind me. I turned to see the same three crows from before.

Caw! Caw...

Their screeches changed in pitch and tune. It sounded more like a canary.

"I still hate that tune," I muttered and tugging Leo's hand, we walked into the tree line past the crows.

The nausea was more substantial this time when the space shifted.

I went to Leo for support. He rubbed my back and looked around.

"I think this is a different night... but we are dancing, look," he encouraged.


Our two old selves no longer wore black ties; it was more casual as they danced and swayed from side to side. The chocker was still sitting around her neck, and it seemed they were talking, her laughing.

Her friend was nowhere to be found.

"It somehow feels weird... We are used to seeing the same scene... this looks like it takes place over days."

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