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A chill awoke me. The wind caught the unfamiliar curtains. Fresh, crisp air did not help the grogginess. I felt tired, sticky, unclean. Where was I? Back home?

I groaned as I rolled over. I ached all over.

A warm hand on my forehead made me jump. Looking left, I fell out of the bed at the man.

"Careful, Lex," he humoured.


"Who else?"

I rubbed my head in confusion, "What the hell happened?"

He kneeled to my sitting figure, once again touching my forehead.

"You had a fever," he informed, looking happier. I had to visit an herbologist to break it. How are you feeling?"

"Eh... Sweaty..."

"Do you remember anything?"

"Yeah, a weird ass dream... Very vivid."

"Well, you kept mumbling in Spanish."

"I-I was reliving Anabel's life. Gods, that was wild."

"Come on. I think you'll want to get cleaned up before discussing it."

"Yeah... good idea."



Jack sighed heavily, leaning into his knees. From what Victoria had told him. Cornelius was acting like a jealous child.

He did not like that Victoria's attention was elsewhere. He often expressed displeasure at feeding from animals or blood banks instead of fresh. He thought the treaty would repress them and make their numbers dwindle because they were the 'most powerful' supernatural beings. Not for the sake of witches and the unnatural order of immorality.

It all became worse when his youngest sister died at the ripe old age of 96.

Now, they were both tracking the man-child.

Jack piped up at the radio static that came to life.

"Report: Cornelius has been spotted..."



He picked up the receiver, "Where?"

"Oxford, yesterday at six pm. More information to follow."

Magnus got up and took a red pin marking Oxford on his map.

Cornelius' movements were too erratic, with no clear direction. He was most certainly running.

Magnus lifted the radio, "Anything on Lexi?"


"Send info on the vamp ASAP."


The radio cracked to silence once more.



He watched his sister's chaotic emotions. It gave him whiplash just watching her.

Luke kept his nephew busy, and the coven pulled together in support as always. He was glad she had a support system.

A text broke him out of his musings.

Jack: [Vamp in Oxford. Nothing on Lexi.]

Jack kept him updated on anything now they were in this delicate situation.

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