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After acquiring food, we decided to... Stretch our legs. Retreating to our guest room, I sat cross-legged.

"Just do what you did when you turned into a wolf... only be a cat." Leo casually stated, leaning against the wall facing the bed.

I opened an eye to peek at him and shushed him before concentrating again.

I pictured Sooty in my mind this time, and my body began to warm. It felt sickening, but it was not as painful. My muscles shrunk instead of ripping. Bones ached instead of snapping.

The morph was much calmer.

Opening my eyes, the room was much brighter and more prominent. Looking down, I saw furry white paws.

"Cute. Fluffy and white."

I stood and stretched, feeling the pull in my spine and legs. It felt good.

"I'm ready."


We huddled under the covers. The cold wintery morning air made the room chill.

"We need to give her a chance," I murmured, rolling over onto my stomach.

"Hm," Leo pinched his brows lightly, "After laying everything out, I'm wondering what else is pish."


He laughed lightly, "Rubbish, crap..."

My mind wandered to what Morgan and the crow lady said.



"...What if we can't fix it?"

"Then, we enjoy our time together."

"You wouldn't want to call it quits?"

Leo's eyes opened, looking down at me, "Would you?"


Was I Selfish?


"What past lives have you met so far?" Morgan asked, flicking through a small notepad.

"Only two. Anna, Edward and, more recently, Rose and William."

She nodded, looking through some notes.

"Well, without you two here, I found one more. To break a cycle, we have to find out what started it. As the necklace seems to be key, we must follow it through the lifetimes. Let's look back at one life you already know."

Morgan picked up an object cloaked in black velvet and settled onto the floor near the fire. She tapped the rug on either side of her.

"Have you scried before?"

"A few times. Fire, water, even a crystal ball..." I mentioned.

"Any luck?"

"Not really. The first time, we got something new. But then, nada." Leo answered.

"Well, this is a family heirloom. An obsidian scrying mirror."

Morgan pulled the black velvet off the object, revealing a smooth black surface reflecting everything within its structure. She pushed it in between Leo and I.

"Hold hands and lean in around it. Let's start with Anna and Edward."

We did as we were told. My hair brushed the polished surface. I quickly put it up in a bun before continuing.

"You can control what you see."

Morgan passed her hand between the mirror and us, and a grey mist overtook the polished surface.

Protecting Earth and Turbulent WatersWhere stories live. Discover now