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"Quinn! No!"

Cornelius laughed low, walking to Quinn, "Such a waste."

My head was forced up to see a smiling Megan. She looked crazed.

"You did this. You lead your friends here."

She kicked me forward, nearly squishing Quinn.

They were all here, at the Abbey.

Seri was forced against the wall, her skin covered in her own blood. Two people fed from her, holding her still against the wall.

"Quinn!" Deven was desperate; he tried to fend off the four on him, only to be forced down a few meters away, and iron chains were forced around his legs and hands.

Lathen lay near the iron cage, his eyes wide open, staring. He is already dead.

Where was Leo?

I prayed he wasn't here yet but still looked around for him.

The ruins were swarming with vampires. Cornelius had raised his army, and the witch stood beside him. There was not a mark on her; her hood lifted slightly to show a sadistic smile.

Crows surrounded the old structure, watching noisily.

"Found him!"

"Here is the Loverboy..." Cornelius sauntered forward.

"No. Please," I whispered, begging.

"Please, what?"

Two boot-covered feet stood before me; I followed the legs to the ominous hooded face above me, the witch.

"Don't do this. Not him."

"This,"–she gestured around– "Is your doing. You lead them here like lambs to slaughter, all because of your selfishness," she spat.

I shook my head, not willing to listen. She grabbed a fist full of my hair, forcing me to look as they practically ripped Leo into pieces.

"Leave him."

"NO!" I leapt forward, desperate to get to him.


"Hey, shh... It's just a nightmare."

I jumped from his sudden cool hand on my back. I was panting as I swiped at my forehead and upper lip. Wet.

I was drenched in sweat.

My head fell into my hands, and I combed through my hair.

Leo's cold hand rubbed my back and shoulder in comfort.

"I think you have a fever."

He leaned forward, touching my forehead and cheeks.

"I do feel a little... off," my voice was scratchy sore, it made me hack up a cough.

"Soona," Leo coaxed.

His magic was cold. It made me shiver.

"You're freezing." I huffed out, teeth chattering.

Tap, tap, tap.

We both paused and looked towards the closed window. Neither of us could sense anything out there.

"Stay here." Leo moved from the bed, glancing out of the curtain.

"It's Henry... and a letter," he explained, opening the window. Once the letter was given to him, Henry left quickly.

Protecting Earth and Turbulent WatersWhere stories live. Discover now