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"The council are focused on finding Rose. It seems they have reached out to Victoria, Cornelius' dame, with no luck and have abandoned it." Fred shook his head.

"Why L-Rose?" Leo asked, quickly correcting himself.

"The taboo spell, Vitamortum. It's essentially a suicide and possible murder. Any witch casts it is investigated, a report is made, and the council wipes it from existence. Especially because it never works. Well, until now," John informed us.

"When they find out you are alive and well, the detective will take you to the council. What happens then, we can only guess."

"Have you any word on Victoria or Cornelius?" Morgan spoke up.

"Victoria is AWOL. Her family said she went to Italy for a month. That was six months ago," Fred replied.

"As for Cornelius, he was last seen in Wales. Don't ask me to pronounce the town name..." John chuckled at Fred.

"Hm... Does the wolf know?"

"He does. He and the Whitby witch are working together."

'Wolf? Whitby witch?'

"Good. Help him find the vamp. Speak to no one about these two whereabouts. Understood?"

They both nodded, and it shimmered before they walked back through the archway.



"Sooty!" I grabbed the fluffy black cat, giving him a once-over.

"See. Never underestimate familiars," Fred teased before following John through the archway. The branches groaned, bending back into their standard form.

"Or Fae portals for that matter. Great way to get around!" Morgan chirped as her raven landed on her shoulder.


Turning away from Morgan and Leo, I whispered, "Pineapple."

The concealment glowed; the necklace was still there around his neck. I breathed a sigh of relief. Letting go of the necklace, the glow vanished once more, concealing the necklace once more.

"You okay?" Leo asked, approaching me.

"Yeah, just making sure he is okay." I scratched his chin.

Leo tucked me under his arm and walked back to Morgan's house. On the way back, a neighbour approached, chatting with Morgan. Overhearing them, a circle would be held tonight. The neighbour was asking if she was joining.

"Yes, I will be there. Oh," she turned to us as we passed, "Would you both like to come as well?"

Leo and I shared a look.

"No, thanks for the invite," Leo answered.

While I had gotten used to it, my tongue still sat with fur, and the metallic taste increased every so often. It seemed less intense while inside the house.

Morgan's raven landed on her shoulder, and facing me, it croaked.

Unknowing what to do, I looked to Morgan for help; she began to chuckle and pulled a peanut from her pocket.

"Here. He's after a treat." Morgan placed it into my hand.

Holding it up for the raven, I thanked him as he took it and flew off to eat it. Sooty trilled, watching the bird the whole time.

"Don't you dare," I warned him.

His tail thumped, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"We'll have to get some food for him..." Leo trailed off.

Protecting Earth and Turbulent WatersWhere stories live. Discover now