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The evening began with Y/n arriving downstairs, utterly clueless about the surprise that awaited her. She walked through the door to find the room bathed in soft candlelight, and her eyes widened with delight. Surrounded by their loved ones, she couldn't help but smile.

Happy Birthday! everyone shouted in unison, causing her to jump in surprise. 

Irene- Happy birthday, Y/n.

She exclaimed, wrapping her arms around her in a tight embrace.

Irene- We wanted to make this day extra special for you.

As Y/n looked around, she couldn't contain their astonishment. The whole farmhouse had been transformed into a magical wonderland, complete with balloons, streamers, and a table overflowing with gifts. It was a scene straight out of a fairytale.

Y/n- Thankyou so much, you all indeed made it special.

Jin playfully nudged Y/n and said,

Jin- Well, now that you're 23, we have to start treating you like the adult you are!!

Y/n- Yah oppa!!

Amongst the crowd of friends and family, there was one person who stood out the most - Taehyung.  Y/n caught glimpses of Taehyung giving her mischievous looks, as if he was planning something particularly teasing for her.  

As the night progressed, Y/n spotted Jimin walking through the crowd, holding a beautifully wrapped box. She couldn't contain her excitement and hurriedly made her way towards him.

Y/n- Jimin, you said you won't come.  How mean you fooled me!

She exclaimed, grabbing his arm. Jimin grinned mischievously. 

Jimin- Consider it as a little surprise for you.

A curious look crossed her face.

Y/n- What do you mean, a surprise for me?

He motioned for her to follow him to a quieter spot in the room. Once they were away from prying eyes and ears, he handed her the present he had brought.

Jimin- You see, Ana couldn't make it tonight, but she wanted to make sure you felt her presence. So she asked me to give you this.

Y/n eagerly tore the wrapping paper off, revealing an exquisite necklace with a pendant that read 'Best Friends Forever'. Tears welled up in her eyes as she held the precious gift in her hand.

Y/n- This is... this is incredible.

She choked out, her voice filled with emotion. He nodded understandingly. 

Jimin- There's something  more.

Her eyes widened in surprise as Jimin pulled out his phone and opened a video message that Ana had recorded just for her. Her heart swelled with happiness as she heard Ana's familiar voice wishing her a happy birthday and apologizing for not being there in person.

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