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As Y/n and Taehyung finished having breakfast, they made their way back to their shared room.

Taehyung- Ah Y/n, I have something important to tell you.

He said, his voice stern and serious.

Y/n- What's it?

Taehyung- Well, I just got the news that I have to go to the States for a business trip with dad. We'll be gone for about a week.

Her heart dropped. A week without Taehyung seemed unbearable.

Y/n- Oh, really? That's sudden.

She replied, trying to hide the disappointment in her voice.

Y/n- What am I going to do without you for an entire week?

Taehyung smiled softly and held her hands in a gentle grip.

Taehyung- Why don't you go stay at your parent's house for the week? Spend some time with them, catch up on everything you've missed.

He suggested.

Y/n- Alright, Taehyung. I'll go stay with my parents for a week. But only because you won't be here to annoy me.

She teased, half-smiling. Taehyung chuckled, his eyes twinkling. 

Taehyung- Fair enough, Y/n. I'll miss annoying you, believe it or not. I'll call you every day, just to remind you why you can't stand me.

Y/n- But only if you promise to bring me back some goodies from the states!

Taehyung chuckled, reaching out to playfully tap Y/n's nose. 

Taehyung- Deal, little monkey. I'll bring you back all the chocolate and souvenirs you can handle.

They both shared a genuine laugh, feeling a strange warmth in their hearts.

And with that, Y/n began planning her trip to her parents' house, while Taehyung prepared for his business trip to the States. 


As the week of Taehyung's business trip approached, Y/n found herself getting ready for her visit to her parents' house. Taehyung insisted on driving her there himself, claiming it was his way of being a responsible husband.

As they stepped out of the car, Taehyung gave her a tight hug.

Taehyung- I'll see you in a week, Y/n. Take care of yourself.

He said and patted her head. Y/n nodded.

Y/n- I'll keep that in mind, Taehyung. Until then, make sure not to cause too much trouble in the states.

As they bid each other farewell, a mix of sadness and anticipation fills their hearts. Both of them had no idea what the week had in store for them, but one thing was for certain - their time apart would certainly test their newfound marriage and perhaps even change the dynamic between them.

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