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Time skips,

Y/n woke up feeling an intense wave of nausea wash over her. She groaned as she slowly sat up in bed, trying to shake off the dizziness that seemed to accompany her every move. It had been weeks since she experienced bouts of vomiting and morning sickness, and she couldn't understand what was happening to her.

Taehyung, was by her side, concern etched across his face. 

Taehyung- Y/n, you really need to visit the hospital. This is not normal, and I'm really concerned about your health.

He urged, his voice filled with worry. Y/n weakly smiled at him, trying to dismiss his concerns. 

Y/n- It's probably just food poisoning or something. I'll be fine soon, Tae.

But Taehyung, was growing increasingly concerned with each passing day. He urged her to visit the hospital and get herself checked out, but Y/n kept delaying the matter, assuring him that it was just a passing phase and that she would be fine soon.

Taehyung- Dizzy spells and vomiting are not normal, Y/n. You need to see a doctor and find out what's going on.

He voiced his worries one evening as they sat on the couch in their living room. Y/n sighed, feeling torn. She knew Taehyung was right, but the fear of discovering something serious was holding her back. 

Y/n- I'm scared, Taehyung. What if it's something really bad?

She admitted, her voice filled with uncertainty. Taehyung pressed his hand gently against hers, offering her comfort. 

Taehyung- Y/n, you won't know until you see a doctor. It's important for your health and peace of mind.


Unbeknownst to them, Mrs. Kim, had been observing Y/n's symptoms for some time now. She suspected that Y/n might be pregnant, but decided to keep her thoughts to herself, waiting for the right moment to bring it up.

Over a cup of tea, Mrs. Kim decided it was time to broach the subject. 

T/m- Y/n, my dear, I've been noticing some changes in you lately. Have you considered the possibility of being pregnant?

She began, her voice gentle and loving. Y/n's eyes widened as she looked at her, surprised that she had picked up on her symptoms. 

Y/n- I...I haven't really thought about it.

She admitted, her voice filled with both shock and curiosity. Mrs. Kim smiled warmly, reaching out to hold Y/n's hand. 

T/m- Sweetheart, why don't you take a pregnancy test? It might explain the vomiting and dizziness you've been experiencing.

Y/n nodded slowly, realizing that her hesitation to visit the hospital was rooted in something deeper. Fear mingled with excitement as she pondered the possibility of bringing a new life into the world. 

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