Holiday Plans Part 2

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"Normal Speach"

Day 4:

I get out of the shower and immediately get dressed and do my hair (image above for the dress). I look towards Sal, curled around the egg and smile a bit before walking down to the foyer.

Skipping my workout routine today was a good choice, because I am heading to Gringotts, yet again. Only this time is to meet with both Mrs. Tonks and Lady Malfoy.

Knowing how they were both brought up, the summons they will be getting today will make it so that they both arrive before the appointed time. Which works wonders for me.

I love interacting with the Goblins, but no one really wants to spend a lot of time in a meeting. Not even I.

Grabbing some Flu, I throw it and call out the Leaky Cauldron.


Waiting in Radhiork for both women to show up took less time than expected.

I had only been waiting for five minutes before Lady Malfoy showed up first.

About a minute or so later, Mrs. Tonks walked in.

To say both were shocked by the presence of the other would be an understatement.



Both women called the other out by what I assume is their nicknames for one another. So, I decided to remain silent and seated. Waiting to see what would unfold.

"What are you doing here Andi?"

"I'm here to meet with my client. What about you?"

"I'm here to meet with the head of House Black."

"If that were the case; why are we in the same office then."

'And that's my que.' I stand up and look at them as they turn to me, finally realizing that they aren't alone in the office.

"That would be because I am both. I am Mrs. Tonks' client, as well as the new Head of House Black." So, there was no question about it, I show the Black Ladyship ring to them both and remain silent, watching as their faces go from confusion to shock rather quickly.

"Please, have a seat so we can discuss why we are here this morning." I say and wait for them to take a seat before I do the same and take in both women.

On one side, we have Lady Malfoy. Regal, strong and stoic. Her face hiding any and all emotions. Yet her eyes weren't as cold as the rest of her. I could see a hint of curiosity and even some fear. Now that was interesting.

Then we had Mrs. Tonks. She, too, was putting all she has learned from being born to a Most Ancient and Most Noble House to use.

The biggest difference between them was, were Lady Malfoy being cold and trying to remain unbothered, Mrs. Tonks was relaxed and simply waiting for me to speak.

"I had you both come here today to discuss some serious matters, pertaining to the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Black, and by association, The Ancient and Most Noble House of Malfoy."

As I finish my words, I can see Lady Malfoy break a little from her cold front and saw, clear as day, the fear she so desperately was trying to hide.

"This matter concerns the both of you because you are both daughters of said House, no matter if the person is wed;" I say looking at Lady Malfoy, "or disowned." I finish, looking at Mrs. Tonks.

"As the new Head of House, I am responsible for the upkeeping, as well as make any and all changes I see fit. However, I will not be like former Lady Walburga Black; nor will the motto be the same. The old House of Black has fallen into disgrace. Thanks to the former Lord and Lady and how they went about it."

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 18 ⏰

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