Potter Will, Properties and Death's Book

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'Though/Mind Speak'
"Reading of the Will"

"I James Fleamont Potter and Lily Potter nee Evans, of sound body and mind do declare this our Last Will. All others before this one are null and void.

"Now to business. In the event I die before my wife Lily Potter, all accounts and Potter items shall be passed on to her and our daughter. Should she die before myself, the same applies.

"In the event both of us die and our daughter Arabella Viole Potter lives, we have assign her to the following people along with the following:

"Sirius Black, my brother in all but blood. I leave to you the sum of 30,000 galleons to help raise our daughter with the advice you take up your Lordship completely. It's time to take a stand and make a difference Padfoot.

"In the event Sirius Black is unable to care for Arabella, she is to go to the care of Alice Longbottom who is her magical godmother with the sum of 20,000 galleons. I know well enough you don't need such amount Alice, but take it and use it for things Arabella may want as she grows.

"In the event Alice Longbottom is unable to care for Arabella, she is to go into the care of Remus Lupin, who is like an uncle to her. I leave the sum of 50,000 to care for Arabella and for when she is to attend Hogwarts, along with the sum of 25,000 for yourself Remus as well as Potter Cottage in Wales, no take backs Moony! You deserve to be happy and not separated from Arabella.

"In the event Remus Lupin is unable to care for Arabella, she is to go to the care of Minerva McGonagall with the sum of 15,000 galleons and my personal journals on Transfiguration.

"Under NO CIRCUMSTANCES is Arabella to be left with Petunia Dursley nee Evans.

"Now unto the other important things. Let it be known that Sirius Black was not the Secret Keeper but Peter Pettigrew. If we aren't among the living it means Pettigrew betrayed us, not Sirius.

"To Severus Tobias Snape, I apologize profusely for the way I treated you when we went to Hogwarts. I was a prat and a bully to you when you didn't deserve it. All I ask is for you to not take it out on our daughter. She is not me Severus.

"I would also like to apologize to you Severus. That day when you lashed out at me you were angry and humiliated, and I should not have taken it to heart. My stubbornness and pride ruined the friendship we had when I didn't accept your apology. I had hoped that our friendship would be mended, please help take care of Arabella.

"Now this is for Arabella.

"Sweetheart, we want you to know we've loved you from the moment we held you. Do not blame yourself for surviving when we didn't. Your father and I gave our lives for you and we would gladly do it again to keep you safe and sound.

"We are sorry we aren't there to see you off to school, grow up with your god-brother Neville, know about your first crush or your first Quidditch.

All Properties and business we have belong to Arabella Potter.

"We love you Arabella, never forget that.

Mischief Managed
James and Lily Potter

Tears fell freely down my cheeks and my hands shook as I took in my parents figure before they vanished back into the scroll and I put it on my lap. The moment the first sob escaped, the rest soon followed and I covered my face to try and stop and to childishly hide from the others in the room.

Arms envelope me and I freeze some before I lower my hands and see it was Minnie and even Sev hugging me. Radhiork gave me a sympathetic and let me compose myself.

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