New Life, New World

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That's what greeted me when I died. Endless darkness.

I don't know how long I've been here, hell for all I know it could have been minutes or years, but I know, somehow I just know something was about to happen.

Just as I thought that, light slowly started to appear in front of me. 'To bright!' I thought as I close my eyes. It just kept getting brighter and brighter to the point of being overwhelming.

Everything is too bright, too loud and it kinda hurts. Slowly, I become aware of crying, a baby was crying...and that baby is me!?

What is happening!? The last thing I remember was Death taking me from the realm of the living and then nothing, up until now that is. My crying slowly stopped as I felt a pair of arms hold me and since I'm now a newborn baby, I can't see who was holding me. Not that I wanted to open my eyes yet. A hand passed over my head gently and I find myself relaxing. Now that my cries have stopped, I could hear people talking.

"Congratulations, your daughter is healthy and so is the mother."

Footsteps could be heard and I slowly open my eyes, looking, or trying to at the person who was holding me.

"She has your eyes and nose Lily."

"She has your hair color James."


James? Lily?

No way.

"What will you be naming her?"

No fucking way.

"Arabella Violet Potter."


That name alone sent my mind both on over drive and to a complete stop.

Not only did I die, but I'm reborn into a new person and new world. Not just any world, but the world of Harry Potter!

'Though I guess it would be the world of Arabella Potter now...has a nice ring to it.'

Before I could think anymore, the arms holding me move to hold me closer to their face. I manage to see a little clearly and find myself looking into the emerald green eyes of Lily Potter. My new mother.

Her eyes were glowing and overflowing with love and happiness. Her hair a beautiful red and a bright and contagious smile. I smile at her and extend my tiny hand to her cheek to feel it. Beside her, a new figure made itself known and I recognize the man with glasses and messy black hair. It was my new father, James Potter.

"She's perfect Lil's, just like you" after he said that, both of them--no, mom and dad kiss my head and I feel the love they have for me, making me smile and coo at them.


Living with Lily and James as their daughter is both amazing and a nightmare.

The nightmare side being the obvious. I am 28 years old, mentally at least, stuck in the body of a newborn baby. You don't know awkwardness unless you've soiled yourself and have your dad change you soiled nappy. Never mind the fact that you can't control getting soiled.

Then there was being bathed...but somehow that didn't really bother me as much.

Thankfully that was the only nightmare part, for the moment.

Mom and dad are amazing, I'm loving every second of it, because I know what will happen in a years time, and I couldn't stop it.

I decided to not focus on that, as much as I can. Instead I focus on living in the moment, and at the moment I am focusing on getting my body to cooperate with me so I can crawl. Mom is a few feet away, encouraging me to keep trying, while dad is to the side a bit, camera on hand. 

Slowly I move forward and kept going until I reached her and was picked up, making me squeal in happiness as dad took pictures.

This is my life at the moment. Learning to control my body all over again, watching as my family came and went, making sure my parents knew I love them along with Uncle Moony and Uncle Padfoot. Though whenever Pettigrew was close to me, I pretty much attack his left arm, trying to expose him for the traitorous Death Eater he is. Sadly my parents would take me from him, thinking I was having a fit of sorts.

One of the best moments I've had so far was when dad gave me four stuffed animals. A stag, a dog, a wolf and a rat. I stared at the rat one in hate, wishing it would burn. The next moment, it burst into flames.

My very first display of magic.

Dad was over the moon, so was mom but she tried to hide it over a disapproving look. Moony and Padfoot laughed and praised me, while Pettigrew stayed away from me from then on, much to my pleasure.

Since then, I've been trying to train and harness my magic, and let me tell you it's no walk in the park. It took me being six months old for me to find my Core. Before that, my magic just manifested when I was having a strong emotion such as anger, happiness or want. Now that I found it, I slowly start to learn how it feels and how to use it every chance I get. Mostly when I was alone or 'napping.'

While I practiced, I also made a mental list of things to do in the coming future.

-Learn wandless magic
-Learn non-verbal magic
-Learn wizarding etiquette (to a degree)
-Train both mentally and physically
-Ask Goblins for my parents will
-Get an inheritance test
-Get Sirius free
-Destroy Horocrux

The list will grow in due time, though the etiquette part of the list makes me cringe. In my past life I was rash, to the point and hated anything to do with social events. Now I have to suck it up.

I also have to be careful of one Albus Dumbledore.

I always thought that for him being a powerful sorcerer, he's a fool, naive and manipulating old man. Sure some things he did in the HP (Harry Potter) books made sense, everything else? None whatsoever.

One of the reasons being Uncle Padfoot's imprisonment. He knew Sirius was innocent and yet did nothing to help him, causing Sirius to go to Azkaban without a trial. Another reason not to trust him was his decision to hire the fraud known as Lockheart in Harry's second year, and let's not forget how he allowed an impostor into the school to teach in his fourth year. The one that takes the cake though happened in Harry's first year.

You guessed it, the possessed Quirrell...or Quirrellmort.

How Dumbledore would allow a person possessed by the wraith of Voldemort to teach in a school full of children makes me want to break his nose.

I understand he's a good guy and has a no killing policy along with trying to redeem people, but come on! They were at war and the Death Eaters had no qualms in killing any and everyone that stood in their way; along with kidnapping and torturing in the name of their Dark Lord and even raping victims. Be them Muggleborn, Muggles and even some Purebloods.

Dumbledore has to realize not everyone can be saved, not everyone can be redeemed.

So no I don't trust Dumbledore much, less respect him.

I focus on the here and now when the door to my nursery opens and dad comes in to play.

For now I'll enjoy the time I have left with my family before they were taken from me.

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