The Daily Prophet and Hagrid

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The week went by fairly quickly, or as quickly as possible when, everywhere you went, all you heard was what was in the newspaper about Pettigrew. My friends and I talked about the upcoming Quidditch match in November and how we were doing in class.

To no ones surprise, Nev excels in Herbology and was winning Gryffindor a lot of points and along with slowly starting to build more and more confidence, helping others in his year that needed help while ignoring Ronald and his weak insults. Blaise did great in Charms alongside myself, Daph did great in Potions and always sat with one of us. Mia on the other hand found her forte in Transfiguration, quickly turning into one of Minnie's favorite Claws.

Fred and George started to take their studies a little more seriously and even taught us a thing or two. They were baffled when they heard I was going to be the Slytherin Seeker but I pretty much threaten them into silence and they agreed.

It's now Thursday and my body, though still mostly sore, started to show some improvements and I couldn't be happier. I had also spent most my free periods organizing and formatting the information Mia had given me about Riddle and smiled as I had sent it to Radhiork via the chest and now all I have to wait is for tomorrow.

In the meantime I focus on having a good discussion with my friends and prepare for the upcoming days.


Daily Prophet office, Diagon Alley.
London, England

Walking into the building of the Daily Prophet was what could be described as an odd pair. One was director Radhiork of the British Gringotts branch and beside him stood Andromeda Tonks nee Black, holding a file as she accompanies Radhiork.

The walk past the receptionist and head towards the office of the Editor in Chief for the Prophet, Barnabas Cuffe and walk in after knocking.

Said Editor in Chief looked up from a paper he was reading and upon noticing Mrs. Tonks he smiled and stood to shake her hand, completely ignoring Radhiork.

"Solicitor Tonks! What a pleasure to see you here, how have you been?" Cuffe greets.

"Good afternoon Mr. Cuffe and I have been well, but we are not here on a social call," Andromeda states and motions towards the desk and looks at Radhiork for him to speak. The moment Cuffe looked at him, his mood soured at the notion at having to listen to a creature. This didn't escape either Andromeda or Radhiork.

"Yes well, I do have a bit of free time." He walks to his desk and sits, motioning for her and Radhiork to sit as well. They do and Cuffe had to hold a disgusted look at bay when said goblin sat. "What can I do for you this afternoon?"

"Mr. Cuffe I have here a written and already proofed read information that we would like published for tomorrows morning edition of the Prophet," Andromeda says as she pulls out a few parchments but doesn't hand them over just yet. "Before I hand these over to you, Director Radhiork, if you would."

Said director took out a letter and handed it over to Cuffe, who took it after a hesitation and looked at the seal before his eyebrows raised some at the official Gringotts letter. Opening it he took out the letter and began to read. What he was unaware was that the moment he opened the letter, a confidentiality charm of sorts was placed upon him.

To the Editor in Chief of The Daily Prophet:

I hope this letter finds you well, and no problems occurred upon receiving it.

As I'm sure you are aware, earlier this summer you received a missive on having Rita Skeeter either put on probation or fired due to her writing methods or have your paper face a lawsuit. I truly hope you did so for I would hate to put you and the business in trouble.

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