Sweet Magic I'm This Rich?!

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A few days after Gringotts and learning from Thanatos' book, I decide to take a break from studying Thanatos' book and get the chest that Radhiork had given me and tool the portfolio containing the names of all business I own a certain percentage as well as my vaults and their contents.

With that said I start with the many vaults I own.

Emrys: Vault #1 - 576,895,043 Galleons. Merlin's staff, magically infused gems, heirlooms, journals and Grimoire.

Le Fey: Vault #2 - 97,266,666 Galleons. Morgana's staff, personal journals, rune stones, magical books, heirlooms, journals and Grimoire.

Pendragon: Vault #3 - Pure gold and silver. History and strategy books, Arthur's shield, royal jewels and weapons.

Gryffindor: Vault #4 - 988,791,873 Galleons. Godric's wand, goblin made weapons. Transfiguration, Defense Against the Dark Arts, Care of Magical Creatures, combat books and written journals. Family heirlooms, jewels and Grimoire.

Hufflepuff: Vault #5 - 418,271,614 Galleons. Helga's wand, preserved magical plants, cooking recipes. Herbology, Charms, Healing, Ritual books and written journals. Family heirlooms and Grimoire.

Ravenclaw: Vault #6 - 483,117,200 Galleons. Rowena's wand, personally written books, Arithmancy, Ancient Runes, Astronomy and Magical History books and written journals. Rune stones and gems. Family heirlooms, jewels and Grimoire.

Slytherin: Vault #7 - 700,769,997 Galleons. Salazar's wand, potion ingredients (magically preserved) and items, Potion, Alchemy, Ward and written journals. Family heirlooms, jewels and Grimoire.

Peverell: Vault #107 - 500,177,133 Galleons. Magical Enhancing books, precious stones and written journals.

Gaunt: Vault #600 - Empty

Black: Vault #711 - 756,439,566 Galleons. Black family books and heirlooms. Goblin made weapons and cursed items.

Potter: Vault #718 - 549,876,997 Galleons. Potter family wands. Portrait of James and Lily, Charms, Transfiguration and Potion books. Family charmed jewels, heirlooms, engagement and wedding rings.

I blink once, twice and then feel myself slump against the headboard as I try to process what I had just read. I see Thanatos appear from the corner of my eyes before I slowly turn to him and just stare.

I didn't get a chance to say anything before he simply smirks and nods towards me.

That was all the confirmation I needed.

I am the richest person in all of Britain. Maybe even Europe and the whole world.

After a few minutes I manage to compose myself and put that paper away before going over the percentages of own business.

Flourish & Blotts - 9%
Zonko's - 19%
Borgin & Burkes - 10%
The Leaky Cauldron - 18%
Magical Menagerie - 8%
Obscurus Books - 12%
Quality Quidittch Supplies - 25%
The Daily Prophet - 28%
Grunnings Drill Making Company - 35%

Once more I blink twice but this time, instead of shock, anger makes its way through my body at the last name. Slowly though that was turned into a vengeful smirk before I head over to my desk and start writing a letter to Radhiork.

Director Radhiork,

I went over the list of business that my family owns certain percentages and came to the final decision on them.

The ones that require immediate attention are the following.

The Daily Prophet has been slandering people in their people and lying on what they publish. They have fallen far from the mark of printing the truth and always investigating any and every lead before proof reading and then printing.

I believe it will be beneficial for Gringotts to send a warning to the owner/supervisor that should they not change the way they print news and they should also either put one Rita Skeeter on probation or fire her.

Her methods and the way she writes her articles are unacceptable to me.

The next one on the list is Grunnings Drill Making Company. The director of that company is one Vernon Dursley, I want him, along with the 35% that now belongs to me as Lady Potter to be investigated immediately in the form of an interview. I have seen evidence that Mr. Dursley has been stealing not only from a monthly stipend meant for me, but also from the percentage that belongs to me as well.

It would be prudent to find a lawyer that is well versed in both the magical and mundane world. Whatever price is needed, take it from the Peverell vault and have a copy of what you may find ready for them to take legal action. As that is happening, I want the percentage belonging to me to be removed.

I would also like said lawyer to sue any and all business who have and still are using my name for profit. It is a violation of privacy and I have never made a contract with any of them to use my name as a brand figure.

I would also like more information on Obscurus Books.

As for the rest of the business I own certain percentage of, I will continue investing on them as they have been doing well.

Now, for the properties I own.

Number 4 Privet Drive on Little Whinging, Surrey; I want the Dursley's IMMEDIATE removal of the property and have the house inspected by both Goblins and mundane police. Goblins because they are well versed in the art of Wards and the police to have them investigate the home for signs of abuse. I know that the Goblin Healers have proof of all that was done to me, use that for them to get a warrant if need be.

Number 12 Grimmauld Place is also to be investigated for any and all harmful and Black objects that reside there along with having the wards updated. My research has led me to believe that the services of one William Arthur Weasley will be in Gringotts best interest.

Potter Manor, Potter Mansion, Potter Cottage and Lily's Flat's wards are to be updated as well.

You may take the payment necessary from the Peverell vault.

This will be all to be done at the moment.

May your gold forever flow.
Arabella Violet Potter
Lady of the Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Potter

P.S. It would be wise to inspect vaults that belong to former Blacks for any foul items that may reside within.

I finish writing the letter and seal it with the Potter crest before looking at Hedwig who already was waiting by the window.

Putting a few charms on the letter I nod before heading to her, deciding to forgo the use of the chest this once.

"Take this to Director Radhiork girl, then come back." Hedwig nodded before taking the letter and flying off into the sky.

Smiling I return to bed and keep reading.

A/N: In the previous chapter I forgot to include that Arabella, being Head to The Founders Houses, Hogwarts belongs to her. This means she has the authority to change, add and remove classes, have access to The Founders offices/studies, have access to the wards and a bit more.

Thank you Prue162 and Amytuckwell for pointing it out.

Short chapter, it's the only thing I could come up with at the moment.

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