Making The Team and Failing Plans

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A/N Image is how I picture Arabella to look like with her hair red.

It's Saturday again and I find myself once more relaxing in a bath after Yoga today.

I could feel my body getting stronger while also building endurance and my magic as well. I'm also getting used to the work out routine faster than I thought I would.

Closing my eyes I smile and let my muscles relax in the salts before getting a bit of an idea and feel my head get a bit cool before opening my eyes and see my once black hair, now red.

The color really is richer than that of my mother's, but I am happy to have something more of my parents. Plus I also decided to use my metamorphomagus abilities slowly and build it up.

Nodding in delight, I stand and get dressed before deciding to wait for Daph to wake up and head out to breakfast with Blaise. While I wait I decide to read on more potions from years six and up while Sal curled around me. I will have to reveal what type of snake she is soon before Dumbledore decides to try something.

About an hour later Daph and the others started to stir but I remained silent as they slowly went about their morning ritual and I put away my things.

"Unless someone's played a prank, there's some red head girl on Potters bed." Bulstrode says as she stares dumbly at me and I look at her with a small smile making her eyes widen. "Potter?! Why is your head red?!"

"First of all, my head isn't red only my hair. Second please don't scream, it's annoying and irritating and third; well its something I'm working on." I finish explaining as I stand up and wait by Daph's bed as she finishes getting ready all the while giving my outfit a once over. "Still certain you don't want me to send for some clothing for you Daph?"

"Perhaps you can convince me to wear some if I could see a bigger variety."

"Ah. Then it's good I had already sent for some magazines and catalogues for you to look over." I smirk as she gives me a wide eyed look. "Why do you look so stunned?"

"Because I didn't think you would do that." Daph answers as we walk out.

"Why not? You're curious and my friend so I decided to do so and I also sent for male clothing as well," smiling I skip ahead with Sal keeping up with ease and flop on a couch and Sal waits by the fire while Daph and I talk about wizarding and mundane fashion. My knowledge on said things isn't the best but I try.

Blaise stood halfway to the exit doing a double take on my hair before complementing it and we greeted him before heading out, Sal going off to explore some more, though she looked a little more energetic about the prospect.


Deciding to further House Unity I head over towards Mia in the Ravenclaw table making heads turns once more due to my new look, with Daph and Blaise following with shaking heads and humor.

"Morning Mia."

"Good morning Bella...Bella is that you? What happened to your hair?"

"Just a little magic of mine, let's leave it at that for now."

"Um...okay. Blaise, Daph. Where is Sal?"

"She decided to go exploring some more and doesn't really need to eat just yet. You've no idea how happy I am she isn't a glutton." I shiver at the thought of Sal eating more than needed while my friends chuckle at me. "Oh hush you! You'd react the same. Even more so if your familiar was feeling lazy and wanted to be carried around and they weigh a ton because of how much they eat."

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