Special Assignment

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(Authors Note)

It's Saturday and I wake up earlier than usual and give Sal a pet.

~I'll be back in a while Sal. You stay here and rest.~

I chuckle at her just curling up more and saying alright and put on some workout clothes.

Casting a Notice-Me-Not charm on myself I quickly leave the Dungeons and make my way to the seventh floor corridor at a jog, getting a bit of a warm up and feeling Thanatos keeping an eye out for me.

Arriving I smile and find the tapestry of Barnabas the Barmy and walk on the opposite side of it three times.

'I need a place to train my body and magic. I need a place to train my body and magic. I need a place to train my body and magic.'

Grinning, the door appears and I walk inside before it seals back up and I take in what the room created.

It was big enough for a run, padded mats were on one section of the floor with weight lifting equipment. Punching bags and a small bookcase to the side that upon inspection I discover they are books on exercises.

Picking one up I find a workout for the week and nod in agreement before looking for another workout schedule for the weekend and decide that Yoga would be the choice for weekends.

"Alright, time to get into the habit," and I start to run again for a little longer. "All I'm missing is music to workout to."

No sooner had I said that Thanatos held out his hand and I saw an iPod!

Stopping I head over to him. "How? These don't get invented for 10 more years." Inspecting it I see the runes inscribed to the device to make it work.

He simply chuckles as I take it and search the music only for my eyes to widen even more. "You forget that I am Death and able to be in any place and any time."

I blush and put on the headphones and go back to running and listening to No Limits by Zayde Wolf, ignoring Thanatos' laughter.

After finishing my run, I look for another song and choose it before getting into position and begin my first Yoga session.


Making use of the shortcuts I make it back to the Dungeons and take a very nice and warm shower. My muscles feeling somewhat sore from being used and I know that these next few days are going to be a bloody nightmare until my body gets used to the new routine.

Sighing as the water hits my muscles and knowing the others won't be getting up anytime soon, I enjoy a very long shower.

Sighing I get out and get dressed in a pair of comfortable black yoga pants, a black and grey tank top, indigo colored hoodie with black on the inside and put on black flats. Satisfied I put my hair in a high pony tail before walking out towards my bed and decide to keep reading Thanatos' book on rituals.

I must've been reading for almost two hours before I heard the other girls start to stir along with Sal who climbed on as I put the book away and got the books I didn't need out of my bag putting them on my nightstand before standing up with my bag and Sal and wait for Daph after opening the curtains.

The girls ignore me as they woke up to get ready. Though it didn't take long for Daph to notice I was wide awake and dressed. "Good morning Daph."

"How long have you been awake and what are you wearing?" She asks and flushes when she realizes she broke her Pureblood practice making me laugh and stand to put a hand on her shoulder.

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