Meanwhile, Outside of Hogwarts Pt.2

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With Sirius:

Looking at the ceiling, inside a hospital room, Sirius Black was deep in thought.

He had no idea how long he's been in there, or what was happening outside of St. Mungos for that matter. Though judging by what people would wear when he saw them on his way to the loo, it was getting colder outside.

Since leaving the 'care' of the Dementors and having a Mind Healer see him, his mental state has returned to what it would be considered the normal for a teen in there late teens to an adult in their early twenties. Sirius was thankful for that and he knew that his sanity would never be a hundred percent restored. Between his crazy family and his time in Azkaban? Not happening.

His mind goes back to his thinking and planning. A few days ago the goblin in charge of the Black vault had sent him a letter stating that due to his incarceration, even if he was innocent, and refusal to take up the mantle of Lord Black before being imprisoned, he no longer was qualified for the Lordship. He was however, still under the House of Black protection.

The letter didn't mention who the new Lord Black was, and Sirius needed to find that out, but to do that he either needed to send a letter to the Black vault manager or go to Gringotts personally.

Sending a letter was out of the question. Sirius was still paranoid enough to believe that his mail would be redirected or stolen. Going to Gringotts was the better option, but he didn't know if he could leave St. Mungos.

Groaning he sits up just as his Mind Healer walks in. Sirius was thanking Godric and Loki both for giving him a hot and beautiful woman to tend him otherwise he would have ended up losing what was left of his sanity.

"Healer Williams, glad to see you again."

"Smooth as ever I see. How are you feeling Mr. Black?"

"Must I remind you every time we see one another to call me Sirius?"

"You're my patient until the foreseeable future, so I will call you Mr. Black while under my care. Now please answer my question."

Sirius was about to answer he was fine before thinking better about it. An idea forming in his head. "I'm worried and feeling like I have Cabin Fever."

"What's making you feel like that?" She asks and he only points at the letter and envelope with the Gringotts seal. "Did the letter contain something to set you on edge?"

"Not on edge per say, but the contexts of the letter require a response. However a letter would not be the best option..." Sirius stops, hesitating in saying more before taking a deep breath and continuing. "Sophia...I need to go to Gringotts and meet with the personal Black goblin. The sooner the better."

"I'm afraid you're not ready to be discharged, Mr. Black."

"I'm not asking for that. I'm asking to be allowed to visit the bank, accompanied if need be. This is important. Please Sophia."

Said Healer simply stared into his grey eyes. For once he wasn't trying the puppy eye look or a flirting tone and look, he's being very serious about the subject. Sophia knew that in normal circumstances the answer would be no. But she had to admit Sirius has been doing a remarkable job in recovering from not only Azkaban, but traumas of his childhood.

After another minute of silence and contemplation, Sophia sighs. "Alright Sirius. I will let you visit Gringotts but I will be accompanying you." She says and watches as he looks at her in shock but then smiles and nods. She turns to leave and let the Head Healer know, when Sirius speaks.

"I knew I could get you to call me Sirius."

Sophia simply leaves the room with an eye roll and a slight blush on her cheeks.

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