Study Group and Meeting

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Warning: Somewhat strong/graphic picture in this chapter.

The noise from the Hall followed us all the way to the moving staircase and we make our way towards the Library. The twins surprisingly coming with us.

"I take it you've been to the Library Mia?"

"I have and it's so big and filled to the ceiling with books. Though we can't go to the Forbidden Section without a slip from a professor."

Nodding we arrive and look around before I point over to a pretty big table by the window and somewhat hidden from view. "Let's sit there. Yes the both of you as well," I say and drag the twins who looked like they were about to fly out of the Library.

"What would guys like to work on?" I ask as we sit with the twins on either side of me and the others across from us.

"Bella are you alright?" Daph asks in concern while looking at me, the others also looking at me while I let Sal go to the window to sunbathe.

"Yes, why do you-- oh is this because of the news article?" At their nod I smile at their concern, "I'm really okay. I mean yes, my parents were betrayed by a person that was their friend and is still at large, but at the same time I gained a godfather!"

They finally seem to calm down and take out their books, scrolls of parchment and writing items. Nev opens a scroll and blushes some, "I need help in Transfiguration. I just can't seem to get the spells right or working."

Fred started to help him, Mia and Daph focused on Charms while Blaise, Fred and I worked on DADA which we all thought was a major disappointment. Well I just didn't care for the teacher and couldn't wait to get rid of him.

"Well I don't really know what else I can tell you other than practice the spell. Not here!" Fred shouts earning a shush from the librarian Madam Pince.

"I guess I really am no better than a Squib..." Nev says defeated and we turn to him.

"Nev is that your actual wand?"

My question made them all turned to me like a grew a second head but I kept my eyes on Nev. "'s my father's. My gran decided that I... didn't need a new wand... and that my father's wand would suffice."

"There's your problem. The wand you're using is not your own but someone else's. It didn't choose you."

"What do you mean it didn't choose him?" Mia asks with a frown.

"Well take your wand for example. Why do you use the wand you have?"

"Well...because it felt right. I just knew that it was the wand for me. I had tried two or three others before I bought this wand and Mr. Ollivander's agreed"

"There you go. You tried a few before finding the right wand for you. What Ollivander's says its true, the wand chooses the wizard and to prove a point, may I borrow your wand?" I ask with my hand out towards Mia, she hesitated for a moment but handed it over and I point at my disguised quill.

"Wingardium Leviosa."

My quill was set ablaze and the others back away in surprise before George puts it out. "Well at least it wasn't one of my better quills." I return the wand and thank Fred after he banishes the ashes.

"Why did that happen? You said the incantation loud and correctly. The wand movement was perfect, why did it catch on fire?"

"Because your wand doesn't agree with my magic. My magic, from what I've seen, is a bit on the over powered side, I mean my familiar is a magical snake that is close to extinction. I, like you also went to Ollivander's, guess how many wands I tried?"

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