Learning About Potions

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It's finally Friday. Which means Double Potions with Nev.

My only hope being that no altercation happens with the other Gryffindors or rather one in particular.

Weasley had been a nuisance since day two!

Always trying to get close to me and trying to get my attention. Calling me by name and signaling to sit with him in Gryffindor and in the classes we share, and every time I ignore him I could tell he became more and more furious.

Though that along with the reaction of the other Slytherins when they realized they are unable to speak, show or write about what happened in the common room with Sal and I.

Many of the older years stopped giving me murderous looks and instead gave me ones of respect even if they look like their teeth had been pulled. Others such as Parkinson, Malfoy and his goons gave me hateful glares. They look constipated every time they do and I chuckle to their face.

I had cast quite the warming charm on my clothes and Sal could not be happier. Blaise, Daph and I walked into the Hall and greet Mia and Nev before heading to our table.

"Finally Potions today! I've been dying for this class. Are you both going to sit together?"

"We are planning on it yes, and you Bella?"

"I'm going to sit with Nev today honestly. He may be confident but you have to admit that Prof. Snape can be terrifying even without meaning to. I hope you guys don't think I'm abandoning you," I say with sass but also a little worry. They had only interacted with Nev and Mia on breaks and the classes we share.

They smile and Blaise puts a hand on my shoulder while Daph puts hers on my hand. "We don't mind, right Daph?"

"Right. He's your friend too and slowly becoming ours. Maybe we can take turns in sitting with him so that way we avoid conflict."

"Well as much conflict as we can since we are also going to be sharing the class with the youngest Weasley." I say. Moments later my gut was telling me somebody was behind me.

"Has our brother"

"Been giving you grief?"

Well I was close, there are two somebodies behind me and I smile with a small blush on my cheeks. "Good morning Gred and Forge. What brings two fine gentlemen such as yourselves to this side of the Great Hall on this lovely day?"

They put their respective hands over their hearts and swoon. "She called us gentlemen Forge."

"That she did Gred, but we both know I am more so than you."

"Ah but I am the more devilishly handsome of the two of us."

I chuckle at their antics and laugh at Blaise and Daph who were looking back and forth between the twins. "Do you both want to join us for breakfast?"

Said twins stop their talk and stare at me before I roll my eyes and pull them to sit on either side of me while Blaise and Daph look at me in surprise but then relax some and nod at the twins.

"Fred and George meet my friends Blaise Zabini and Daphne Greengrass," I introduce and they do a double take when they realized I can tell them apart. "Blaise and Daphne, Fred and George Weasley. Also known as the Devil Twins."

"You can tell us apart? Not even our family can do that." Fred says and I smile at him.

"You have lighter blue eyes Fred. More intense while yours George has some slight brown flecks and have a bit more freckles." I answer and they keep staring at me, dumbfounded.

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