Ladyships and Shopping

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'Though/Mind Speak'
Lines/Paragraphs from the original book

In a castle in Scotland inside a very peculiar office strange noises could be heard from strange items before they stopped working all together.

The owner of said items was nowhere near them when this happened to hear them, nor the beautiful and happy cry let out by the phoenix that resides there as well.


Needles to say the rest of the meeting went by faster than I thought possible...well as fast as one can be when having so many magical blocks removed from their person. Paying for their removal was easy, the process not so much. It sucked!

Thankfully Thanatos had been there the whole time and helped me recover faster than possible, shocking the goblins in charge of the medical wing. I can feel how free my magic is now, it feels happy even.

Returning to Radhiork who was also very surprised to see me walking about so soon after the cleansing ritual, we sat down just as two goblins walked in, holding two beautifully crafted chests. Both were made in silver vintage style with small and big roses on all sides. The only noticeable difference between them was the size. One was smaller than the other.

Once the goblins deposited said chests, they bowed to Radhiork and then at me surprisingly before leaving the office.

"Now then, Arabella these chests contain both your rings and crown belonging to all of your tittles. Due to the fact that you are the last living heir -- now Lady -- of all these houses, you can be legally emancipated and claim your tittles now."

"Won't Dumbledore and the Ministry be alerted to this?"

"The Ministry will not be able to do anything at this time. The Winzegamot will not meet until the first week of January. A letter will be sent to them a day or a few hours before the meeting is due to begin. By then there is nothing they can do to remove your titles, magically or otherwise."

"That's more than satisfying, but how will I wear all the rings, much less the crown?"

"The rings will fuse together, allowing you to show the House ring you want as well. As for the crown, it's for the most formal of gatherings."

"All right, what do I need to do?"

"Put your hands over the chests and say the following; I your name, do so claim the houses of---as is my right. So mote it be."

"What about Voldemort? He's still alive, how would me becoming Lady Slytherin affect him?"

"He will lose the Slytherin family magics as they now belong to you by right of conquest." His response made me break out in to a sadistic smile, knowing that that megalomaniac murdering psychopath will lose most if not all of his magical powers? Who wouldn't smile at that.

Composing and nodding my head, I slowly open the chests one by one and hover my hands over them. "I Arabella Violet Potter, do so claim the houses of Potter, Black, Peverell, Gaunt, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw, Slytherin, Le Fay, Emrys and Pendragon as is my right. So mote it be."

I felt as all the family magic surround and accept me, like a warm embrace welcoming me home.


Meanwhile, a Wraith recently possessing a man that teaches DADA feels as he becomes drastically weaker. Bringing down the man he is possessing to his knees as he parasite drains the mans magic in order to stay attached to him.

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