Diagon Alley, Gringotts and Tests

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'Thoughts/Mind Speak'

We walked a couple of blocks away in silence, before stopping at the park and they looked around.

Deciding to try and disperse the tension, I spoke.

"Where are we going? How are we going to get all of my list materials? I doubt you can fin all of this in London."

My tactic worked and they look at me and McGonagall smiles. "We are going to the Leaky Cauldron first. From there we will take you to the magical district in London and before you ask how we will get there," she says as I open my mouth to make it look like I was going to ask just that. "We will be taking the Night Bus."

"The Night Bus?"

She nods and pulls out her wand after making absolutely sure no one was around and point it up.


A purple three decker bus appears out of nowhere in front of us and I lean back, smiling like mad. McGonagall must've assumed it was from the display of magic and I wasn't going to correct her. The real reason I'm smiling is cause this bus was going to be like a roller coaster, just no loops.

Boarding we notice the first floor completely fool, so we climb to the second floor and take the available seats. Snape pays Stan and hangs on just in time too because the bus took off like a bat out of Hell, making me squeal and laugh in glee.

While I was enjoying the crazy ride, both professors were holding on to their seats for dear life and looking pale.

'I wish I had a camera right about now.'


We arrived in front of the Leaky Cauldron and Snape and McGonagall both got off the bus with as much dignity as they could muster, while I got off with a fit of giggles. Though Sal was not at all pleased with the method of transportation if her angry and irritated hisses were anything to go by.

"That was fun! But how did we manage to get here without crashing into anything? Or people seeing us?"

Snape who had recovered faster that McGonagall answered. "The bus is magical. Should an object be in its way, like a light post or even a building, said objects will move and then return to their original position. As for how no one saw the bus, it is cloaked. Muggles can't see it and witches and wizards have to call it to see it."

I nod and put a confuse look on my face. "Muggles?"

"Muggles are non-magical people," McGonagall answers as she joins us.

"Wouldn't it be better if we called them Mundanes? Maybe No-Maj's or Normies?" I ask and watched as they look at me then at each other with a look that said 'why didn't we think of that before?'

McGonagall then looks and nods at me, "it does sound better, but let's leave that for another time. Come along now, through The Leaky Cauldron."

~I smell many magical creatures and beings near Bella.~

Never have I been glad to be in a room full of so many people and with enough noise.

~I know, we are going to Diagon Alley.~

Thankfully we make our way through the pub without being stopped or distracted and walked towards the back. McGonagall took out her wand and tapped the correct bricks before an archway appeared before us.

"Welcome to Diagon Alley Ms. Potter."


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