Birthday Gifts

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Living with Minnie made time run faster and with a lot of smiles and laughs. Days turned into weeks and in those weeks I had been studying the book Thanatos gave me along with a little bit of etiquette and Potion making under Sev's tutelage.

Though Thanatos had taught me up to fifth year potions.

I still shiver and get annoyed at how dumb and unprofessional Sev's method of teaching was when he decided to teach me.


Sev and I walk down towards the Potions lab in the basement after Sev had informed me he would be teaching me how to brew Potions.

Walking inside and closing the door behind me I found the first problem already. The room was too dark for a kid to see what they were doing, much less read instructions on a book under such dim lighting. Sev walks to a cauldron and puts down ingredients before opening a book in a certain page and waited for me to stand by the cauldron.

This wasn't Sev but Professor Snape. Most hated professor by students of all Hogwarts.

"I want you to brew me a boil cure potion. Here are the ingredients and the instructions are in the book," and with that he turns around and walks away towards another cauldron with ingredients of his own and began working.

I stare at him with bewilderment that quickly turned into anger. He actually expects me to make a potion (though one I've already done before) with no information on the ingredients and how they may react with one another or how they could be used in different potions, little lighting and nothing but the passages in a book.

Instead of making the potion I keep my eyes on Snape, knowing he would tire quickly from my lack of work. I didn't have to wait long.

"Is there a reason you aren't working in making the potion Ms. Potter?" He asks and doesn't turn around, used to not having anyone question him.

"I have more than one reason Master Snape."

The usage of using his title in such a way made him stiffen and put a stasis charm on the potion before turning to me with a raise eyebrow. "What would they be?"

"For starters the lack of adequate lighting to be able for I or anyone else to read what's instructed in the book." He starts to get furious but I keep going. "This also brings the lack of ventilation for the fumes produced by potions to leave the room and not cause harm to anyone. Lastly you put all this ingredients on the table and didn't take the time to explain what each one was, where they could be found/harvested, how they would react with the other ingredients or in what other potions they could be used and what not to mix them with."

I keep eye contact with him and watch as his mouth opens and closes, unable to come up with an answer or explanation to my reasoning. He finally blinks and looks from the room to the ingredients to the barely there torches.

"Is this how you teach in Hogwarts Master Snape? This isn't even teaching!"

"Watch your tone Ms. Potter."

"You know I'm right," I continue, ignoring his comment. "What you are doing will and is causing more harm towards learning and potion making, not to mention handicapping First Generation magicals. I've read from a book on Purebloods how they are taught from an early age some magic without the actual use of a wand. Even some Half-Bloods that are raised within the magical community have a bit of an advantage.

"You see where I'm going with this...Sev?"

Said Potions Master was looking at me with such intensity it was almost uncomfortable. Finally he closes his eyes and sighs. Walking back towards me he stands on the other side of the table and for the first time since walking here smiles and begins to actually teach.

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