What's Happened Out of Hogwarts

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With Sirius Black:

Waking up and looking out of his cell, he waited for the Dementor to leave. Once it did, the starved dog transformed into a man, his features haughty, bags under his once full of life eyes. His hair long and unkempt from years of imprisonment, his mind not as sane as it used to be.

Sirius Black sat in his small cell, remembering his best friends, and his goddaughter. He realized he's been in Azkaban for a decade now, and that little Arabella was more than likely on her way to Hogwarts. He tried to picture what she would look like, but was unable to. Soon his nostalgia and sadness turned to anger.

To this day, he regrets going after his supposed friend, Peter Pettigrew. Yet at the same time, he regrets the fact he was unable to kill him more so, and that the rat had managed to make him fall into his trap, while he escaped.

'Why did I doubt Remus? What could have possibly make me believe he was the one to be wary of?' He asks himself as he stares at nothing.

Footsteps caught his attention and he looks to the side to see three Aurors stop before his cell.

Black thought they had come to gloat, as they always do, only to become confused when his cell was opened.

"Let's go Black, it seems you're getting a trial. Someone out there must be watching over you." Said an older Auror as he waited by the door.

After a minute, Black slowly got up and approached them. He was hesitant and tense. After ten years, he was getting a trial? Who could've realized he never had one? Moony?

The sound of the waves crashing into rocks brought him back. He was outside! After a decade of nothing but stone walls, he took a gulp of the sea air as he was led to the dock, and the next thing he knew, was the pull on his stomach and he, along with the three Aurors, vanished from Azkaban.


The sound of the cuffs around his wrists was the only sound made. The small room he was in was guarded both in and out by Aurors as the time for his trial slowly approaches.

Black tried to get his thoughts in order as best as he could, picturing scenario after scenario of what will happen, what could go wrong.

The door opens and the three Aurors that had brought him here walked in. They made sure the cuffs were secured and that he had no weapon on him once again, before nodding and all four of them walked to the court room.

Any small chatter that had been going on stopped the moment they walked in. In the middle of the room, a chair with chains was the only item there. Black walked towards it and sat down without a fuss. The chains shook before wrapping themselves around him gently, as if knowing he would not fight or try to escape.

Black looked up and waited.

"Court is now in session. The Wizengamot was brought together today, September 1st of 1991 for the trial of Sirius Black. Sirius Black, you stand before this court accused of the murder of 13 Muggles, the murder of Peter Pettigrew, being a supporter of He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named and betraying the Potters. How do you plead?" Cornelius Fudge said out loud, looking at the wizard and former Auror in the chair.

"Not guilty...to all charges." He answers after a moment. His voice gruff from years of misuse. "I am willing to answer your question under Veritaserum." Low chatter could be heard at his request.

"Very well, administer the Veritaserum." Fudge agrees.

A different wizard walks towards Black and administers a few drops onto his tongue. No sooner was the tongue retracted, Black's gaze became glazed.

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