More Mundane Teachings, Ally and New Ring

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The rest of the weekend went by fairly quickly and I had to admit I started to like Yoga. The new workout? Not so much.

I headed back to my room and to the bathroom to take a nice, long bath.

My muscles are so sore it's not even funny, and I knew it will be a while before my body grew accustomed to the new activities.

Knowing I have a some time before heading to breakfast I close my eyes and enjoy the bath, meditating as I do and let my magic out freely with no fear of being found out.

"You pushed yourself a little to hard Bella."

"Not really, I simply need to keep doing it and get it right all the time so I don't hurt myself. I can live with sore muscles but not if I get too hurt from doing the workout wrong."

Thanatos hums as he stands by the tub and I hear the cling of a vial touching the surface of the bathtub. Turning to him I look at the vial and groan when I recognize the pain relieving potion but take it anyway and almost gag.

"I really wish they tasted better."

"You could, with the right ingredients."

"I know, but I'd like to have you and Sev with me as I do them. Learn from two different sources and teach as well. Don't give me that look. You may be eternal and know a lot about the world, but even you have to admit that certain things are new even to you."

I look at him before grabbing my towel and getting out of the tub while Thanatos chuckles and passes a hand on my back. "Indeed you are right. I shall leave you to finish, my Bella." He kisses my head and vanishes, making me smile and shake my head. He can be rather clingy.

Looking at the robe I frown before grabbing it, going to my trunk a chucking it inside while taking a cloak out and putting it on. Looking myself in the bathroom mirror and nodding before heading out to the common room. Sal already out and exploring the castle some more.

Reading over some notes on Herbology class, I relax and wait by the glass wall.

"I was hoping to find you here early."

'Why is it that when I try to relax someone always comes along and interrupts me?'

Turning my head towards the voice I take in their figure. He was skinny but had some form to his appearance, his complexion was pale, strong jaw line and black hair and a little taller than myself. His eyes a different shade of green, but one could tell he was analyzing someone or something and trying to choose the best outcome.

"Found me you have fellow First year." I say casually and that seems to throw him off some before composing himself and approaching me some more. "I don't believe we are acquainted, I'm--"

"Arabella Potter. I know who you are, it be hard not to." He says with a smile that could be confused by a friendly one had I been unable to see through it and find a strategist. When I said nothing or even chuckled, he clears his throat and continues. "I'm Theodore Nott, Heir to The Most Ancient and Most Noble House of Nott."

He offers his hand to me with a hidden smirk as if I were nothing. Looking at his hand before looking at him as I close my book and stand up.

"Since you've introduced yourself so formally then so shall I." Grabbing his hand with mine, I see his eyes widen some when I let some of my magic brushes his, making him gulp.

"I'm Arabella Violet Potter-Black, Lady to The Most Noble and Most Ancient Houses of Potter and Black, and Most Ancient and Pristine House of Slytherin," once I gave him the proper Pureblood greeting, I let my Potter, Black and Slythering ring be seen.

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