Questions and Revelations

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'Though/Mind Speak'
(Author's Note)

Sun rays hitting my face woke me up from my peaceful slumber. Sitting up slowly I take in my surroundings for the third or fourth time since living here and smile.

It's been three days since I've been living with Minnie and I love every moment of it.

The tour of her home had been an experience. Minnie's home is two floors tall, five bedrooms three and a half bathrooms, sun room, attic, a library and a basement. The living area was both formal yet homey; same as with the dining room. The kitchen was stocked with food, glass cups and goblets, cauldrons, knives; the whole nine yards.

She showed me the basement which was converted into a potions lab. Looking at Sev he smirked with a smug air about him and I chuckled before we moved on towards the rooms, sun room and finally the library.

My eyes turned into saucers and I had to pinch myself in order to not run ahead. Looking at Minnie for permission.

She smiled and walked towards a book in a stand, "this is and index of all the books I have. They are separated by categories, all you need to do is say what you are looking for and it will direct you towards the books."

Not needing more confirmation, I asked for books on Potions and set off once it showed were the books were. I never heard Sev's breath intake nor his look of surprise from my request.

Sal popped her head from my clothes to see what had made me so excited and once she saw the rows upon rows of books chuckled and hid again.

I hadn't realized how much time had passed until Minnie came to get me for dinner. We sat together and ate a simple stew, but as I ate fear and apprehension made their way to my mind about revealing Sal and being able to speak Parseltongue.

Sev noticed. Nothing could really get pass him. Well... almost nothing.

"What seems to be troubling you Ara?" His question made me stop playing with my food and look at him before taking a deep breath and standing up, facing both him and Minnie.

'You can trust them Bella.'

"I have something to tell you...well more like show you, so please don't be scared. Don't react with violence please." Both stayed quiet and smiled at me as encouragement.

~You can show yourself to them Sal.~

Said familiar slithered out from under my clothes and wrapped around me normally. Minnie gasped and stood rather quickly, while Sev's complexion got ashy pale and looked at me not in fear but worry.

"This is Salmissra. My familiar."

"Familiar Bella? You've bonded with it? You can understand it" Minnie asks as she approaches us.

"Her name is Salmissra, not it Minnie." I said with some bite and scratched Sal's head. Sev had remained quiet before standing and slowly walking towards me.

"What snake species is Salmissra?" He asked while glancing at said snake.

"She's a Dark Basilisk."

"BASILISK!?" Minnie shouted and put a hand on her chest as she looked at Sal in fear, Sev remained silent. Slowly he approached, knelt and put a hand on my shoulder, ignoring Sal and focused on me. Looking at him I realized my eyes were moist with tears.

"Thank you for trusting us with your secret Ara, though I am curious about Salmissra. If she is a Basilisk, how are we not dead or petrified?"

"Oh! That's because Sal has an actual eyelid that prevents her from killing or petrifying others while she has it up." I gave him a watery smile in thanks for not rejecting me and then at Minnie as she apologized to me and Sal.

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