2 | Father's princess should obey the beast

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"I don't care about you, all I care for is my revenge."


[Y/n's POV]

I was hurt, my heart was in pain.

My body was aching and I wasn't able to stand still. I was shaking, in fear, in anger. I didn't know why they had given me such a good and luxurious room considering they had kidnapped me. Shouldn't I be standing in a dirty room filled with cobwebs and with no windows? But did I care? Nah not at all. Even this lavish room was creeping the hell out of me.

I sat down in a corner and brought my knees close to my chest, hugging them and burying my face in my hands, and just like that, I cried myself to sleep.

I woke up with a mild headache. I was laying on the floor, and the sunlight was falling on my face. I slowly sat up and stared at the sunlight which was entering the room through the blinds. The sunrays made me realize that this was perhaps the only source of light left in my life, or it will be the only source of light in my life if I don't hurry and get out of here.

I slowly got up on my feet and looked around the room. I frowned when I found a dress on the bed. Raising my eyebrow in confusion, I walked towards it and saw a note kept above the dress...

'Wear it little sis'

"Seriously? They kidnapped me and now they're giving me a dress to wear and calling me sis? Who's this now?"

I sighed as I had no choice but to wear the dress I was given. I took it in my hands and went inside the bathroom to take a shower.

The cold water made me shiver and reminisce about the days I had spent with my dad. It was as if my skin was burning and the cold water was helping me reduce the pain. I felt numb. The giggles, the laughter, those happy times, will they never come back? How did I even end up here? Why did I end up here? What's the reason behind them kidnapping me? What do they want from dad? What were they talking about?

I definitely needed the answers to all of my questions, and why not? I have a right to know about my life and what's going on with me. I nodded my head to my own thoughts. Yes, I'm going to confront them, those strangers, those kidnappers. I didn't care about the consequences, all I wanted were the answers to my questions.

I came out of the shower and wore the dress. It was a pastel purple colored dress which complimented my complexion perfectly. There was a thin silver chain around the waist and two little purple butterflies attached to the chain. I thought that it wouldn't fit me but surprisingly, it fit me very well, perfect to my size. I wondered if they had done a whole goddamn research on me before kidnapping me.

I didn't know what to do, so I quietly sat on the bed with a dull expression on my face, before the doorknob twisted and two girls walked inside with a smile on their faces. I looked at them with surprise as they came and sat on either side of me on the bed.

"Hi Y/n! I'm Aera!"

"And I'm Yeona! Welcome!"

I was staring at them with pure confusion. When I didn't respond, they immediately tried to change the topic to make me comfortable, kinda?

"Y/n, I know you're a bit disturbed right now, but you can talk to us. We'll be just like your elder sisters and will also make sure to make you smile, and don't worry, no one will ever hurt you in this home as long as you have us." Yeona said cheerfully. "Yes! We even scolded the boys for behaving like that with you." Aera dramatically glared to lighten up my mood.

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