18 | He is crazy

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"Or do you want me to join you in the bathtub?"


[Author's POV]

You heard a small knock before the door opened and Taehyung entered the room, with a plate of sandwiches in his hand. Your mouth immediately watered at the sight, because you have been starving for a while now. He smiled at you and sat in front of you.

Picking up a sandwich, he dipped it in the sauce and brought it near your mouth, but you once again turned your head towards the other side, making him frown.

"What's wrong?" He inquired as you raised your eyebrow. "Why, for God's sake, why are you being so good to me?" He gulped at your question and immediately, his father's words roamed in his ears, the 4th stage of love.

"Well, am I not supposed to take care of you hmm? You are my fiancée-"

"Didn't you just call off our marriage that day?" You looked at your lap and mumbled, making him stare at you with a different type of feeling in his eyes. If these unforeseen situations hadn't occurred, then perhaps, you would have already been married to him. Things would have probably been so better then.

"I didn't."

He said as you looked up at him. As your gaze met, he placed the plate on the night stand and shifted a bit closer to you, and you didn't retreat. "I never called off our marriage. My words might have sounded different, and my brain wasn't working at that moment, but now I'm in all of my senses and let me tell you, I didn't. I want to marry you and things might have gone downhill, but that doesn't mean that we'll never marry."

He said with such seriousness in his voice that your breath hitched. "S-Still... It's just your r-revenge, or whatever you call it... It's not like you are w-willing to marry me-"

"And who on earth is giving you such information?" He hissed at you as you looked away. "I ain't l-lying... My dad-" He cut off your words by holding your chin and turning your face towards him.

He was too near. Too near. Too near that an inch closer and he might end up kissing you.

"Don't put your little brain to use, babygirl, and listen to me carefully. I hated you the day I brought you here. I cared for you, unintentionally, the night I threw you in the basement. I forced you to marry me for my revenge. But on the night of our engagement, I protected you, willingly. When you were kidnapped, I protected you, willingly. And now, I want to marry you, willingly. There's no third person involved, anymore."

His hot breath fanned on your lips as you kept staring at him. His dark brown eyes held something different, something very difficult to name, but it wasn't anger, or hatred, or lies.

He backed off and tried to feed you, and this time you didn't resist. He mentally slapped himself for putting so much pressure on you by talking about things so complicated, when the doctor had clearly asked him to not pressurize you in any way.

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