6 | Oh blessed angels.

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"He didn't just do this, but he also threatened to blast my home!"


[Taehyung's POV]

'I shouldn't have done that.' This was the only statement that my inner voice kept on repeating since last night. I seriously don't understand what happened to me. Why did I even lock her up in the basement? That was so cruel of me.

I accept it, I was at grave fault. Wasn't the first time I locked someone up, but it was always at the secret building, and never a woman. Perhaps this guilty feeling was because of the fact that I harmed a girl, or probably because I harmed her.

Dad always taught me to respect women, and look at what I am doing now. "UGH!" I yelled and hit the wall with my fist as a sharp pain arose in my hand.

'But she was trying to escape. Her dad gave you so much pain, so many tears, so what you did was correct.' The evil voice in me spoke up as I gave it a thought. Yes she was trying to escape, she was trying to disobey me, she was trying to betray me, so was I correct?

'Absolutely no! You kidnapped her but she is innocent. She did no wrong to you, never. She's pure, she's humble. You are at fault, accept your mistakes.' The good voice in me spoke up and I scratched my head in frustration. What was happening to me for crying out loud??

I heard a loud bang. And-


Who on earth even-



I got up and grabbed my jacket before making my way out of my room. It was almost evening and none but the maids had checked up on me. Of course, the others were still mad at me. My group has, and will always be, against hurting the innocents. It's our motto, sort of.

And I was doing just the opposite. I wonder how they will react when they get to know what I'm going to do next.

I reached downstairs and found a not-so-happy Suga hyung fuming in anger. Jin hyung was trying to calm him down but hyung was what he was. He never forgave, he never forgives.

He turned around as he heard the stepping of my shoes, and I gulped.

Truth to be said, I wasn't scared of anyone, except one person.

And that one person was Suga hyung.

"Oh, little Kim Taehyung has grown up so much that now he'll kidnap a girl and lock her up in our home's basement just because he felt like doing so?" He smirked evilly as he started to walk towards me. "H-Hyung I can explain-"

"Just because I wasn't here or just because you are the leader doesn't give you the right to do what pleases you. And you do realize what you have done, don't you? You scared that poor girl, made her cry, and almost killed her, how could you Taehyung! Is this what I have taught you all these years?! IS THIS WHAT YOUR DAD AND MOM TAUGHT YOU?!"

I simply shook my head. One thing that you should remember is, when Suga hyung is angry, never ever try to interrupt him.

And that's exactly when someone interrupted him.

"He didn't just do this, but he also threatened to blast my home!"

Oh blessed angels.

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