7 | You are mine to have

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"It's in your hands now, the choice is yours."


[Y/n's POV]

Clenching all the fear and pain in my heart, I walked down the staircase with a blank expression on my face. No matter how much I tried to avoid him, I always ended up being around him. My eyes were red and tired. I was exhausted.

As I reached the dining table, I noticed how everyone was already seated, except for Jin, Suga and Taehyung. They weren't eating, probably waiting for the rest chairs to be occupied, but I could sense something wrong. Nobody was speaking.

Hesitantly, I walked towards the table and took my seat between Jungkook and Aera. Aera patted my back and gave me a sad-assuring smile. So they knew about the marriage. Yeona and Hoseok were looking at me with a guilty expression too, but they gave me assuring smiles, as if everything was going to be alright. Namjoon sat there with his head hung low, lost in his thoughts and I didn't bother looking at Jimin and Jungkook.

That's when we heard footsteps in the silent atmosphere, and Jin walked in with a mad expression on his face and without saying anything, sat beside Aera. He crossed his arms over his chest and tried to calm himself down by heavily breathing in and out. Aera handed him a glass of water which he gladly accepted and gulped it in one go.

"Hyung, what did he say?" Namjoon asked him, as Jin simply shook his head, making everyone sigh. Suga walked in, his face red and rage clearly visible on his face. He didn't walk towards us, but straight away took the staircase and walked upstairs. I wondered what had happened.

I was so indulged in my thoughts that I didn't realize when the seat opposite to me got occupied.

"Let's start."

I would be lying if I said that his deep voice didn't make me flinch. I turned towards the front and found Taehyung already staring at me. He had a smirk on his face, making me gulp. I looked away, and found Aera filling up my plate with food. I had no appetite, but I knew that Taehyung was watching my every move. I didn't even thank Aera, I had lost my voice, and simply picked up my spoon and started to eat. Everyone had their dinner in silence, and my head was always hung low, not like I wanted to look up anyways.

The night passed by in a jiffy, and it was dawn already, but I couldn't sleep. I sat on the balcony all night, staring at the night sky. The moon looked so lonely, and the stars didn't twinkle. I could feel the darkness and loneliness, I felt forsaken.

'Can't this all be a dream? Can't all of this be a nightmare? Why did it have to be reality? Why is reality so harsh?' I questioned myself as I saw the sun rising above the horizon.

"You can't escape, you can't run away, you can't hide yourself, because you're mine."

I buried my face in my palms as I recalled his words. I patted my face and ruffled my hair. Should I really try to accept my fate? Even when I know that I'll suffer in the end?

Getting up from my place, I stretched my body a bit since it was aching as hell. I walked inside the room and without caring about anything, I took a painkiller and gulped it down with water. I had taken my medicines last night, was forced to do so, and I do feel a little better, but sitting outside in the chilly weather the entire night froze my muscles.

I sighed, I needed some sleep. Without caring about the time, I tucked myself up in the duvet and closed my sleep, letting the dreamland take away my pains.

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