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Quackity is on his way to tour the collage he is going to in the fall, of course he had chosen one that his two highschool best friends are also going to. Karl and Sapnap are very excited about the tour, Karl especially is in a hyper nervous mood in which he invades everyone's personal space. Then again Karl loves invading personal space, Quackity doesn't mind as long as it's in a platonic way. He can't stand love at this point, everyone he ever dated broke up with him anyways.
He is only a little nervous, mostly he is distracting himself by looking out the window and playing music.
He had worn a simple black tee today with his navy and white sweatshirt tied around his waist, he had attempted brushing his hair then got bored and just put his beanie on.

Look over there that's the dorms" Sapnap says pointing then adjusting his white headband
"I wonder who my roommate will be"

"Dont think about that yet" Karl replies, "besides we will all visit each other all the time right Quackity?"

Quackity who has his earbuds in not really paying attention turns a little
"Huh? What? Sorry"

Karl laughs
"He's worried about roommates" he elbows Sapnap

"Only a little" Sapnap replies

"So i told him we would visit each other all the time" Karl explains

"Oh yeah, totally" Quackity grins in Sapnaps direction before turning to look out the window again.

"Hey mister depressed" Karl leans over, his brown eyes sparkling as he teases, "wachu listening to?"

"Dunno," Quackity replies

"Nervous?" Karl asks




"Needing a hug?" Karl asks


"Yay me too" Karl's arms wrap around his arm happily, Quackity rolls his eyes, of course that's what he really wanted. He goes back to staring out the window as Karl holds his arm happily.
Some people in the back are messing around, being loud and laughing alot. Quackity gets a bit annoyed with them but it's whatever.

"We're close I think" Sapnap says breaking the silence between the three of them finally, "remember we gotta stick together, there's gonna be a lot of people-"

"Sapnap" Karl rolls his eyes smiling "we will be fine, unless we  lose Quackity in the crowd because he's short"

"Hey!" Quackity protests "5'8"

"5'6" Karl replies

"Since when!?" Quackity sighs, "5'8 isn't short" he presses "plus I already know you're not gonna let go of me the whole time"

"Fair, see Sapnap no problem!" Karl says, "and if you guys lose me I stand out with my bright sweatshirt"

"Also Quackity you better take your earbuds out during the tour or else me and Karl are gonna have to help you find your classes every day" Sapnap reminds him

"You'll probably have to do that anyway" Quackity replies as he watches the nice College campus sidewalks go by.

"We're stopping!" Karl exclaims in excitement as the bus slows

"Ok, ok," Sapnap starts to get a little freaked as everyone in the bus starts getting up, "don't lose me Karl"

"I wont" Karl gets up and grabs Sapnap's hand

Quackity stows his earbuds back in the case and gets up too adjusting his beanie, "my back hurts," he complains stretching a little. "I wish I could bring my wings out

"I honestly don't understand why you can't" Karl says, he and Sapnap know about Quackity's yellow duck wings, he had told them in highschool about them.

"Because people would think I'm weird if all the sudden wings sprung out my back, but I feel disoriented when they aren't there" Quackity sighs then grabs Karl's other hand as the three slowly make their way through the aisles and out of the bus.

"Ok, whew" Sapnap says as they stand there on the campus road "we made it,"

"Of course we made it! now we gotta find our group" Karl starts to scan around

"I honestly think this is a waste of time" Quackity mutters

"That's because you're being grumpy" Sapnap reminds him, the two follow Karl as he starts to walk away through the crowd. Quackity sighs.

"Did you sleep at all last night?" Sapnap asks

"Yes," Quackity lies

"Ok well," Sapnap seems unsure what to say, "try to look on the good side, it's sunny and warm and we are all in the same tour group"

"Yay tour" Quackity says trying to sound as enthusiastic as Karl was this morning when they were walking to the bus stop.

"We get to meet new people" Sapnap nudges him

"Come on slow pokes!" Karl exclaims from where he is up ahead, "I see Group C!"

"Ok, we're coming!" Quackity calls back as he and Sapnap start to speed up following Karl. They come up to stand with the other people in their group and end up by two guys, one is rather tall and the other is more Sapnap's height

"Hi" Karl says to them instantly "I'm Karl"

"Oh hey," the taller says, "I'm Dream- well that's what my friends call me"

Karl smiles, "that's Sapnap and that's Quackity, my friends"

"Oh nice," Dream waves to them

"I'm George" the other speaks up pushing his white sunglasses up on his head.

"Cool!" Karl replies and soon he is talking to them about a bunch of different things.

Quackity and Sapnap stay more silent, a little awkward, Quackity looks around the group, most people already here are boys. Quackity finds himself staring over to where a really tall guy with long dyed teal hair is standing with his friends, the three of them are all talking and laughing. Then a brown fluffy haired guy walks up to them grinning.
Quackity can hear the teal haired guy say,

"Yoo hey Wilbur!"

The brunette guy says something back and soon is talking to them also, then he looks Quackity and the others direction, he grins then says something to his friends pointing Quackity's way.
The group starts laughing again and Quackity clenches his fists.


He continues to stare until the guy turns back his way, they lock gazes for a moment and Quackity narrows his eyes at him giving him a warning. He breaks eye contact as the other guy tilts his head in confusion, Quackity turns back to Sapnap taking a deep breath, he's already making enemies.

Roommates, A TNT Duo auWhere stories live. Discover now