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Wilbur POV

He wakes up in the morning seeing his roommate is already awake.

"Hey" he says

Quackity's head snaps around quickly, he appears startled.

"What do you want."

"I was just saying hello" Wilbur replies a bit taken aback.

He studies the other male closely wondering why he's always wearing that beanie, no reason to hide your hair, unless it's ugly.

"Oh, hi" Quackity replies.

"You didn't sleep did you?" Wilbur asks.

"None of your business" Quackity replies with a sigh then flops back down.

"Also you left your schedule on the floor" Wilbur says as he reaches down to grab it.

"Give it" Quackity holds out a hand.

"You're all the way across the room" Wilbur studies the schedule.

He snickers as he reads the name on it.

"What are you laughing about?" His roommate demands.

"Your real name" Wilbur replies still grinning.

Quackity looks mad, Wilbur can tell from the other side of the room.

"Your name is literally-"

"The pig from Charlotte's Web I know" Wilbur interrupts before he can finish.
"And my real name is Will, William Gold."

"Hmm" his roommate doesn't have much to say to that, "so Wilbur is a screen name?"

"Yep, Wilbur Soot" Wilbur replies, "and I'd assume 'Quackity' is too huh Alexis?"

The other male's face visibly reddens
"I prefer Alex" he says then gets up out of bed, "and give me that."

"Come get it" Wilbur replies holding the schedule away.

Quackity walks right over to his bed and reaches over attempting to get the schedule.
"Just give it you motherf-"

Then all the sudden Wilbur's phone starts to ring,
"Hang on a sec" he reaches over and picks it up, Quackity manages to grab the schedule as he does so.

"Hello?" Wilbur asks.

"HEY!" Tommy exclaims

"I'm in the middle of something here" Wilbur says getting up out of bed.


"Stop talking so loud my ears are going to self destruct, anyways uhhh" he looks over at Quackity.

"Girlfriend stuff"


"Since now, anyways bye!" Wilbur hangs up.
Quackity is just staring at him mildly interested,

Roommates, A TNT Duo auWhere stories live. Discover now