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Wilbur POV

He loves the way Quackity is staring at him as he processes the request. Almost like he has to remember their current relationship status all over again.

"Sure" the shorter male replies finally leaning even closer to him, his cheeks pinken ever so slightly.

Wilbur leans in to kiss him, he savors the moment. It's happening one moment and over in the next. He opens his eyes staring at Quackity's face then tracing his gaze down his body.

Quackity presses closer to him as the two kiss again, Wilbur already knows it's gonna get carried away. It can't seem to ever stay calm after a few kisses.

He pulls the shorter male into his lap hands around his waist. Quackity looks shocked for a moment and tries to cover it up quickly. Wilbur grins a little at the surprise, he leans in to kiss him again.

Soon enough both of them are lost, Quackity's hands are grasping Wilbur's shirt, the taller male's hand is resting in the small of Quackity's back, the shorter male's legs are around him as he sits in his lap. His back arches slightly at Wilbur's touch. The kiss is very deep leaving them both gasping for air as Wilbur pulls away for a break.

Quackity is panting a little his face all red.

"Wow..." He manages.

"Too much?" Wilbur relaxes his grip slightly.

Quackity shakes his head, his eyes are longing.

"No... it just makes me want more..."

He leans in closer to Wilbur again. The taller male smiles and gets a pillow putting it behind him, he leans back slightly Quackity still in his lap.

"Caught your breath" he asks tucking a bit of Quackity's hair behind his ear.

The shorter male nods and he leans in eagerly to meet Wilbur's kiss. They start to make out again, Wilbur's hand starts to go up Quackity's shirt without thinking, the shorter male's eyes fly open and Wilbur breaks off the kiss instantly.

Sh-t why did I do that...

Quackity stares at him in confusion as he pulls away.

"Why did you stop?"

"Sorry my bad" Wilbur apologizes, "just didn't want to do something without permission."

His hands are still inside Quackity's shirt rested slightly on his skin. The shorter male seems to realize what he means, he looks down reddening significantly. He shifts a little in Wilbur's lap.

"It's fine..." He murmurs.

Wilbur pulls his hands away slowly, hes feeling a gentle throb now from somewhere and he doesn't want to get any more aroused then he already is or there will be more problems. They just started dating he's not about to ask something so intimate.

Quackity seems to realize he's uncertain now and tilts his head a little confused.

"I didn't mind" he says, "I promise."

"Yeah..." Wilbur tries to shrug it off, "just didn't want it to go to far if you don't want to."

"So no more kissing then...?" Quackity asks looking dissapointed.

Roommates, A TNT Duo auWhere stories live. Discover now