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Wilbur POV

He wakes up with an immense happy feeling as he remembers he has Quackity in his arms. The shorter male appears to still be asleep, or half asleep, his eyes flutter once and a while.

Wilbur pulls him even closer their legs entwining. Quackity makes a soft sound and moves a little, his eyes blink open sleepily and he stares at Wilbur.

"Good morning" Wilbur smiles at him, Quackity seems to be processing and remembering where he is.

"Morning..." he replies finally, "you're my boyfriend now..."

Wilbur laughs a little, "yeah, well since yesterday..."

Quackity snuggles closer to him.

"Mmm" is his response.

"Might want to get up for class" Wilbur glances at the time, a little dissapointed that the moment is ending.

"Oh, right" Quackity looks over at the time as well, his eyes widen and he pulls away from Wilbur hurrying out of bed.

"I'm gonna be late!" he exclaims trying to smooth his rumpled clothes from sleeping in them and grab all his stuff at the same time.

Wilbur sits up slowly as Quackity belines twords the door opening it, he looks back at the taller male apologetically.

"I'll be back soon" he says, "then we can um... talk more... and stuff" his face reddens.

"I'll have a class then" Wilbur replies sadly, "we will have to wait till late afternoon..."

"Ok" Quackity replies, "well I'll text you maybe" he hurries out of the dorm slamming the door behind him a little loudly unintentionally.

Wilbur stares after him wishing the shorter male didn't have a class right now and that the moment could have lasted longer. It only took almost the whole year to finally get Quackity to like him although he didn't imagine it would end up like this. He can't wait for the evening, he wants to kiss again so badly.

Quackity POV

He walks back into the dorm and his face falls as he sees Wilbur is already gone to his class. He had hoped maybe they could have 5 minutes together before Wilbur had to go but nope he's already gone.
Quackity sets down his stuff sitting down on his bed with a sigh, another day, another exam. At least it's getting closer and closer to the end of the year.

He pulls out his phone and texts Wilbur,

'You better be back soon'

He sets his phone down satisfied with the slightly threatening message. He can't completely fold and admit that he craves touch badly.

Soon his phone buzzes,

'Ok darling I promise, wouldn't want to keep you waiting'

Quackity smiles at the message and laughs a little bit to cover up the heat rising to his cheeks.

Then all the sudden there's a sudden knock at the door, Quackity looks up and glares a bit for no reason. He gets up and walks over seeing Karl standing outside looking excited as always.

Roommates, A TNT Duo auWhere stories live. Discover now