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Quackity POV

He looks to the corner of the room where the spider sits, it's a pretty big spider and it keeps moving a little. He can't sleep because of it and wants to keep his eye on it constantly so it doesn't end up on him or something.
Finally he sighs and gets out of bed to go kill it, he stares at it for a long moment.

The spider moves.

He stumbles back sitting back on his bed, he stares at the spider for what feels like a solid five more minutes then finally surrenders his dignity and decides he should ask Wilbur to kill it.

The shorter male walks over to Wilbur's bed where he's laying asleep.

"Wilbur?" he asks.

Wilbur shifts and turns over,

"Hm? What is it darling?"

Quackity looks both ways feeling his face flushing,

"There's a spider" he admits, "help me kill it."

Wilbur laughs a little and sits up,

"You serious?" he studies Quackity's face then gets out of his bed, "alright where is it."

Quackity leads him over to the corner only to find the spider is gone.

"Uhhmm oh f-ck" he looks around, "it's gone."

Wilbur looks around too,

"Hallucination?" he asks.

"No I swear it was right there I watched it for like an hour!" Quackity says frusteration, then he sees movement from the floor.

The spider is crawling twords them.

He screams and grabs at Wilbur's shirt.

"What, what is it- AHHHHH" Wilbur screams as well.

He drags Quackity who is still clinging to him away from the spider. The two fall down on Wilbur's bed still screaming and crying.

"Haha... Umm" Wilbur clears his throat regaining composure.

Quackity laughs weakly loosening his hold on Wilbur's shirt.

"Sorry that got a little out of hand" he says.

"Think we will get noise complaints?" Wilbur asks mildly.

Quackity looks around, "maybe..."

He rolls off of Wilbur after realizing they are still pressed close. He gets up to walk back over to his bed then remembers the spider is still over there.

"Well guess you're stuck with me tonight" Wilbur grabs his hand with a smirk.

"It's just a spider" Quackity looks back over to his bed.

"Just a spider that we were screaming hysterically about a few moments ago?" Wilbur grins, "I think you're safer with me darling."

He pulls Quackity back in close,

"It's a good excuse to get you to sleep with me too..." He whispers in Quackity's ear sending a shiver of surprise and delight down his spine.

"Ok fine, but you forced me" Quackity attempts to be annoyed.

He slides into Wilbur's bed exhausted from screaming about a dumb spider. It was a big spider though, now he's just trying to make himself feel better about being scared of a puny spider.

Wilbur slides into bed beside him, they lay there keeping distance. Quackity keeps looking at him wondering if the taller male will pull him close. Wondering, not hoping, definitely not hoping.

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