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None of the other three people in the dorm seem to notice the kiss. It happens and then it's over, Wilbur savors it sure he will never forget. Quackity looks very unsteady on his feet and seemingly unknowing of what just happened.

Wilbur can still feel the contact of their lips, just for that little moment.
Quackity reaches for his wine glass.

"I don't feel so good" He says softly

Wilbur grabs his arm directing it away from the wine.

"Maybe we should go back to the dorm" he says.

"No... no... I'm fine" Quackity murmurs.

Wilbur turns to the direction of everyone else.

"Quackity doesn't feel good I think we are gonna go" he says.

He can faintly hear Paddle say,
"Alright, I think you guys had too much wine didn't you? Hope he feels better."

"Uh huh..." Wilbur replies, everything feels like a half dream.
He tugs Quackity's arm guiding him out of the dorm and into the hall.

Quackity groans a little, it sounds... a little less like a groan and more like... something else.
Wilbur is trying to stay calm and not let the wine take control, he needs to get Quackity back to their dorm.

"Ugh... Wilbur I think im gonna throw up..." Quackity staggers pulling his arm away from Wilbur, he pauses in the hall.

"Come on" Wilbur grabs his hand and keeps walking. Quackity squeezes his hand a little.
Wilbur attempts to unlock their room door a few times before finally getting it open. Quackity flops down on his bed letting go of Wilbur's hand.
He stays there for a moment then gets up and walks unsteady to the bathroom.

Wilbur hears him throw up and winces slightly. He sits down on his own bed. He feels bad for the wine being there and also feels like it is his fault Quackity felt like he had to drink it.

He hears Quackity throw up again in the bathroom 30 minutes later, then it is silent again. Finally Quackity walks back into the room and pulls back the covers of his bed getting into it and passing out.

Wilbur slowly takes off his shirt and glasses and gets into bed, he sinks into uneasy sleep.

Quackity POV

He wakes up feeling like absolute sh-t.

"Ugh..." he groans rolling over. There's a strange taste in his mouth and he recalls wine... and throwing up.

Oh damn... how much did I drink...?

He sits up in bed head feeling extremely foggy. He sees Wilbur is already sitting up in bed, no shirt on. Quackity eyes him slightly.

"Wilbur?" He asks.

Wilbur turns and stares,

"Fu-k I'm so sorry" he says instantly, "there wasn't supposed to be wine there."

"I... can't remember" Quackity murmurs.

"You threw up twice once we got back to the dorm" Wilbur tells him, "then you passed out."

"I remember... your hand... on mine" Quackity squints, "you pulling me along."

"Yeah" Wilbur says.

"Ugh I hate you Soot! Why did I even go to that party!" Quackity groans, "now I'm all messed up."

"I am very sorry" Wilbur says again.

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