Tales From Christmas Break

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Quackity sits on his bed with his wings out, he's preened them and pulled out any loose feathers since he's home now. He hasn't interacted with his parents much and has mostly stayed in his bedroom. He has already made plans with Karl to meet up and the three of them are going to all meet up another day.

He pulls out his phone as it vibrates with a notification. He stares at the text... Wilbur's number. Right, he had forgotten he had it, he might as well text it... And actually put Wilbur in his contacts since they are friends now or whatever.

He stares at the text

'Missing you :>'

He slowly texts back,

'You sure about that?'

It goes silent from his phone, he adds Wilbur to contacts finally.

'You wanna do an rp' Wilbur's text finally comes through. Quackity stares at it a little suspicious.

'Is it like... A smut thing?'

It's silent for a while from his phone, before Wilbur finally responds.

'Well I wasn't expecting that from you but sure'

Quackity slaps a hand to his face which reddens and texts back,

'No I don't want to'

'Then why did you say it?' Wilbur asks.

'Because that was pretty suspicious' Quackity sends back.

'Just rp with me' Wilbur texts.

Quackity stares at his phone screen for a long time.


The two start to text more, setting up a scenerio, Wilbur is rather good at storytelling...

But soon enough Quackity's mom walks into his room.

"Dinner time" she says peering over his shoulder at his texts.

"Right" Quackity hides his phone quickly and gets up to go to dinner texting Wilbur a hurried goodbye.

Karl and Quackity

"Painting nails isn't gay you know" Karl says, "every guy can do it it shouldn't be so restricted."

"Hmm but it is kinda gay" Quackity replies as he swipes the black nail polish on his nail.

"But it doesn't have to be!" Karl exclaims, "painting nails is about color and creativity."

"I feel very colorful and creative" Quackity says a bit sarcastically holidng up his hand with every nail painted black.

"Ugh Quackity you're not helping my point! Nail painting is more then just a gay thing" Karl pouts.

"I am a gay thing" Quackity replies.

Karl starts to laugh then almost knocks over the nail polish bottle.

"So how is it with Sapnap?" Quackity asks, it's weird to think of Karl and Sapnap as dating now because they are... It's really strange, his two best friends being in love.

"Oh, it's been fine, it's pretty platonic" Karl replies, "and how's it going with you?"

"Karl I don't like anybody" Quackity scoffs, "you know this."

"Right, how's it going with finding someone to like then?" Karl asks.

"It's not" Quackity replies, suddenly his phone vibrates, he picks it up seeing Wilbur had texted him.

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