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Wilbur POV

He steps out of the bus and promptly gets lost from his friend group

"Uh oh"

He glances around the crowd suddenly feeling rather claustrophobic.

"Ok.. ok" he mutters to himself, "Paddle has teal hair"
He starts glancing for giants with teal hair and when he doesn't see any starts to walk. He's getting a few stares, he's not sure if it's because he looks good or he looks like he's having a panic attack.
It's his tour day and he already is lost of course, just like Tommy his little brother had predicted.
That little gremlin..
He keeps scanning for Paddle

Ok seriously where is that man!?

He keeps walking feeling slightly dumb
He had worn his faded yellow sweater today his black sweatshirt around his waist paired with his black cargo pants, he'd fluffed his brown hair out nice and left his usual beanie off today.
Then he sees his section and Paddle.

"Finally" he rolls his eyes slightly at himself then hurries over to Paddle putting a confident grin on.

"Hey Wilbur!" Paddle calls waving him over, "thought we lost you forever man"
They all share a laugh
These are Wilbur's highschool friends
He moved from Britan at the end of middle school and started highschool fresh, that meant he had to make new friends, luckily he had easily been accepted into the cool group with Paddle.

Skyler and Crest are the other two in the group but he often pairs off with Paddle the most. Skyler has white hair that he keeps the back in a small ponytail. He often wears turtlenecks and chains and has amberish yellow eyes, he's practically a playboy, he got plenty of girls in highschool.
Paddle on the other hand despite many girls liking him often went for the guys, he and Wilbur met on the paddle boarding field trip when they were partnered to go out on the lake together. They immediately clicked both being bisexual and hot, Wilbur always wished he had the muscles Paddle does.
Crest is someone Paddle befriended, he's questioning his sexuality but despite his gangster appearance is probably the sweetest and dumbest of the four, he has navy hair that he keeps long and in a partial ponytail and a waves tattoo on his upper right arm.
The four of them had managed to get into the same collage and Wilbur is rather excited.

He glances over to who else is in their group and sees a guy that looks very gay coded with brown hair and a bright colorful sweatshirt talking to two other guys one in a green sweatshirt the other in a light blue tee. By the gay looking guy is a more punk looking guy with black hair and a white tee with a black long sleeved shirt under it.
Their friend seems grumpier and very short, he has a navy beanie on, a little bit of black hair peeking out under it, he wears a black tee with a navy and white sweatshirt around his waist.
Wilbur snickers a little at his height then turns to Paddle,

"Look at those guys" he says

Paddle looks over
"Yeah? They seem like friends too"

"Should we talk to them" Crest speaks up

"Nah, they are all too short for us" Wilbur snickers "especially that guy" he gestures discretely in the short grumpy guy's direction.
That gets a laugh out of the others and Wilbur gets a flash of pride as he laughs along with them.
He turns back to look at the guys again and sees the short hot guy staring at him.

Oh sh-t.

He stares back, the guy's gaze stares daggers into him.
Wilbur wonders if he heard what he had said, but it's too far away for him to be in earshot, maybe he saw the taller point at him.
He continues to stare, the shorter guys gaze narrows slightly his mouth in a thin line of disgust then he turns away.
Wilbur's heart is going fast.

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