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Wilbur pauses by the café and Quackity stares at him in confusion. He holds the door open for the shorter male.

"Ladies first" he teases.

"No you first" Quackity replies with a slight eyeroll but steps inside anyway.

Wilbur follows him still grinning like he has wanted to say that all his life. He gestures Quackity to the booth and the two sit down.

Wilbur is staring at him with a dreamy expression so Quackity kicks him under the table.

"Ow" he complains, "aren't you supposed to be nice on a first date?"

"It's NOT a date" Quackity crosses his arms.

"Ok fine not a date, got it" Wilbur holds up his hands in surrender, "now stop being grumpy and enjoy my wonderful presence."

Quackity's expression stays in a scowl for a moment longer.

"Hmph" he puts his elbows on the table, Wilbur laughs a little at the gesture.

"You're ordering for me" Quackity replies finally then focuses on the menu. He is aware of Wilbur watching him the whole time as he chooses things from the lunch menu.

Wilbur agrees and orders for them both before they sit to wait.

"Did you think the waitress was hot?" Wilbur asks finally.

"I'm gay remember" Quackity replies bluntly.

"Oh yeah, my bad" Wilbur shrugs.

"Did you think she was hot?" Quackity decides to press finally.

"Mmm maybe a little" Wilbur replies, his eyes then look over Quackity.

"Not like you are" he comments.

Quackity sits back instantly his face reddening.

"Stop saying stuff like that" he hisses.

Wilbur looks pretty pleased with himself, he looks out the cafe window smirking. Quackity slowly relaxes starting to feel a bit embarrassed he got defensive so fast. He knows Wilbur just says stuff like that to get a reaction and then he is proud of himself after he gets one.

"Crest told me about the dance" Wilbur finally says casually, "I'm happy for him yknow, he's always struggled with the social stuff."

"Oh yeah the Valentines Dance" Quackity tries to make his voice sound flat like it doesn't appeal to him, "the one that's gonna be in the plaza."

"Yeah, he told you too?" Wilbur's eyebrows raise, "he texted me."

"Yeah, English class" Quackity replies, he's already prepared for the next question.

"You gonna go?" Wilbur asks, his eyes seem to sparkle.

"No" Quackity says.

"Ugh" Wilbur sighs, "of course you aren't, well I'm going, you could come with me and Paddle and Crest."


"Aw come on" Wilbur leans closer.


"There's gonna be food" Wilbur tries to persuade him.


"Ugh Quackity you're so difficult" Wilbur runs a hand through his hair, "fine I'll try again later."

Quackity holds his stare for a moment longer before looking away.

He is definitely not going to that dance, even if there is food there.

Roommates, A TNT Duo auWhere stories live. Discover now