Catch up!!!

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They propose:

Poppy -

She is so scared to propose and she's been thinking about it for a while, viva and Bridgett have been supporting her and telling her to go for it.

So she did, she got EVERYONE in on it. She said that tomorrow you both were gonna go out so dress nice! Once you exited your pod everyone started singing and dancing and they pulled you in.

Eat the end she brought you closer to her and started singing "marry me"

Veneer -

Too young

King trolled -

Wow, it was a HUGE event. Like poppy, EVERYONE was there. He asked if you would be his queen but for reals.

It was very colorful and there was loud music, all kinds of music. It was just a memory you will never forget.

When they're jealous:

Poppy and branch -

They both watch you from afar with a sour face, and they just talk to each other about the troll your talking with.

Poppy points at the troll your talking to and looks at branch "they're not even that cool! We're way cooler..."

" I know right! And I have great survival skills" he crosses his arms and pouts.

They both hold your hand and don't let the troll near you.

Veneer -

He talks sooooo BAD about them. And when you get mad at him he gets super sassy and pouty for the rest of the day until you say sorry and give him attention.

He will call the persons outfit ugly, and comment on the persons appearance, just full on roast them.

He is out of control, to end it give him attention!

King trollex -

Very rare to see him jealous, and if he is it's not obvious and he's more mature about it.

But he will set boundaries with this troll, and set his authority lol.

Just holds your hand the whole time and kisses you.

Weird and annoying things they do:

Poppy -

She is SUPER energetic and if you can't match her energy then it can be exhausting and annoying sometimes.

Something weird she does is that she wiggles her eyebrows at you.

Veneer -

He is super dramatic and he can be rude to others which is kinda annoying.

He doesn't do much weird things but he likes to roll around on the ground.

King trollex -

Nothing :p

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