013: unofficial sleepovers

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"WHERE ARE your parents, by the way?" She asked as she put the two bags on the edge of his bed.

"They're not home that often. Why do you ask?~" he teased, smirking a little as he watched her.

"Shut up or I will leave. I don't know what I'm doing here anyway.." she sighed at the end, straightening her back. "I asked because I wanted to ask them about you guys' decoration skills. Why exactly is everything plastered with Indian art again?" Mina raised her eyebrows at the boy.

"Well, my mom's a historian and she focuses on Hinduism. So, like 20 years ago she met my dad, who was helping out as a doctor there because of the medical shortage, in some café in Mumbai. They both were obsessed with the Indian culture and then fell in love blah blah blah" he boredly explained, crossing his arms under his head.
"I think our love story is way more exciting, princess~" he teased at the end.

She glared at him before realising something.
"Wait, so, thus, they decided to name their first born child karma? After the Hindu tradition?"

"Yeah. Boring, I know. Except I'm not really their first born, but that's a story for another day." He seemed.. upset? Although he quickly had his old demeanour back, he didn't seem to happy to talk about his family.
Mina decided to let it go, reaching forward to touch his forehead after a few moments of silence.

"Jesus, you're hot.." the girl mindlessly said while focusing on his forehead, karma looking at her face from below and started to smirk jokingly.

"Well, thank you. I'm flattered." He joked, making her roll her eyes and leave his forehead.

Mina grabbed inside one of the bags, pulling out the painkillers.

"I didn't exactly know what your symptoms were, so I just went and grabbed everything for flus." She explained as she walked towards the window with the medicine in one hand, opening it a little, before turning around to face him again. "I will get a glass of water. You will take this," she fibbled around with the medicine, handing him one of the medicine bottles "until I'm back. You don't need water for that, I think." She handed him the bottle before walking out of the door.

He laughed slightly, curiously looking at the bottle "and how exactly do I make sure you didn't poison this, princess? How much did you spend on all of this, anyway?"

"I don't know! I didn't look at the receipt." She shouted from the kitchen, which's location she knew from the view she had when she walked in. Mina searched through some cabinets until one of them turned out to contain tall glasses, and filled one of them with tap water.

"Weird flex, but okay." He grinned as she entered the room again, placing the glass on the little nightstand next to his bed.

She messaged her hands, handing him the painkillers.
"Take these. Be careful not to choke," mina explained as she took the bag of ice out, glad that it didn't melt too much on her way here.

He watched her as he took the various pills, somewhat expressionless and bluntly, before coughing once again.
"If I die today, can you play shake it off at my funeral?" He mumbled jokingly, grinning a little as the cold ice hit his warm forehead, the chill immediately running down his back. It did feel good.
Mina adjusted the bag before grabbing the second grocery bag.

"Funeral?" The girl raised her eyebrows at him.


"You have a flu, karma. Not the plague." She sighed, shaking her head at his cheeky smirk before grabbing the lunch box out of the bag.

"I figured you probably haven't eaten anything proper since today morning, so I asked the cashier lady and she gave me this," mina ranted while placing the lunch box on the nightstand. "We could have ordered something warm if you had told us you were sick, idiot. Why would you keep that to yourself anyway?" She continued on, sitting down at the edge of the bed.

"Come on, princess. It's not like I'm dying or something. Even though your concern for me is adorable!" he teased as he grabbed the lunchbox, sitting up on the bed and opening the plastic box. She could now properly see him too, as his face was flushed red a little and his hair was considerably messy. Although his smile was the usual, stupid one.
The girl wanted to hit herself for thinking that maybe, out of the right angle, if he was another person, he looked pretty right now.

"You know, regarding the fact that you hated me to death first, you seem to care about me now quite a lot." The boy smirked before eating another spoon of rice.

"You wish. I will behead you the next time you're ill and koro-sensei questions me and nagisa for about 5 minutes before we start the lesson. Seriously, don't you have any other friends?" She glares a little at the thought before pulling out her phone. 6:30 pm, it's late.

"Hey, don't look at me for this. Koro-sensei knows I skip usually, he shouldn't be so concerned literally all the time." The boy complained, remembering something again.

"I would have killed to see koro-sensei being attacked the whole time, though. Imagine his face in furry as he tries to explain biodiversity in the Amazon rainforest." He grinned, almost finished with his food.

"Of course you would have. But you also wouldn't be affected by no teaching happening because you're some weird creature that never studies and still has great grades!" She raised her voice annoyed, poking the boy's shoulder as he placed the empty box on his night stand.

Karma smirked as he leaned his head back, putting the ice bag on his face again and closing his eyes.
"Yeah, I'm amazing, I know."

The girl looked at his face quietly, which seemed more relaxed that when she had first entered, happily. She looked down at the ground before speaking up again, curiously.

"What are you gonna do now?"

"Wait, hold up!" He opened his eyes at her question, seemingly having remembered something. He grinned mischievously before grabbing into the first night stand shelve, pulling out a Wii console, from what mina knew, at least.

Rio had one of those from her older sister, who went to university outside the country and left some things at home. Although Rio argued she didn't have any interest in it except for when she played just dance, and that purely for "exercise" related reason.
That theory was proven debatable when mina brought the girl some self-made cookies once and when stepping into her room, noticed the blonde dancing to The Girly Team - "Baby One More Time".

"I'm not dancing!" Mina shouted immediately in a stoic position, her eyes widened from the memory.

"What?" The red-headed boy laughed, pulling out another controller, as the girl shook her head strongly.

"Alright, alright! I won't ask. But we won't dance, don't worry," he explained as he sat up again, turning on a few things. "I want to play Wii party with you, princess. It will be fun, trust me."

"Sorry- Wii what?" She raised her eyebrows at him, getting handed a white box with soms cables.

"Plug that into the TV, and, wait-" he ignored her question, preparing the console as she plugged the cord in and stepped back to sit at the edge of his bed again.

He handed her one of two controllers, and the TV started going on as he leaned back.

"Listen, red-head, I don't know how to play. Besides, I should probably go home soon anyway.." she ranted as the boy yawned and looked at her.

"Relax, I will teach you. Also, it's like what, 7:00 PM? There's no way I will let you walk home by yourself now."

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