i'm only me when i'm with you {jimmy garoppolo}

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I'm only up when you're not down

Don't wanna fly if you're still on the ground

It's like no matter what I do

Well, you drive me crazy half the time

The other half, I'm only tryin' to

Let you know that what I feel is true

And I'm only me when I'm with you

i'm only me when i'm with you - taylor swift

"Baby, come here!" Jimmy whines, trying to pull you into his arms while he was laying on our bed. You rolled your eyes and backed away from him again as he got closer to you. "What is wrong with you?" He groaned, finally giving up and rolling onto his back.

"I already told you that I was not going to cuddle you until you took your back injury seriously," you huffed in annoyance at Jimmy's lack of regard for himself.

"I already told you that I was fine, and the injury isn't that serious!" He argued back, sick of going back and forth with you on this topic for the third day in a row.

"You never take anything serious, Jimmy! You were wincing last night because you could not find a comfortable position to sleep in, but you refuse to acknowledge that you're in pain!"

"Because I'm not in pain, Samantha! I already told you," He raised his voice at you, causing you to get out of bed and grab your pillow and blanket from the bed.

"If you want to be so stubborn and refuse to admit when you're in pain, then I'm not going to sleep next to you, James. You need to learn how to take better care of your body! You are not the only one who suffers from your actions. I do, too. I have to suffer because I'm constantly worried about the health and safety of my idiot boyfriend!" You yelled at him, turning to leave for the guest room.

"Samantha!" He yelled back, but you had already slammed the door to your bedroom shut.

You were extremely frustrated with Jimmy because he never took any of his injuries serious. He just wants to continuously be on the go, so he never thinks about the long-term effects that his actions have on his body and his long-term health. You locked the door to ensure Jimmy would have no way of getting to you tonight. You lay in the cold guest bed, and although you were uncomfortable, you had too much pride to go back to your bedroom and lay next to Jimmy.

You heard the doorknob twist when you finally were drifting off to sleep, but you kept quiet and refused to acknowledge the soft knocks and whispers of your name that Jimmy left for you.

You made breakfast the next morning, humming softly to your playlist that you turned on to eliminate the silence. You felt Jimmy's chest against your back, his arms encircling your waist. He placed a gentle kiss on the top of your head and then rested his cheek there.

"I missed you last night," he whispered.

"Mhm," you responded.

"I hate having to sleep without you. There's nothing more that I love than falling asleep with you in my arms."

"Really?" You asked disinterested, knowing his motive was to get you to forget his behavior and move on from the whole situation. You moved out of his arms, flipping the pancakes you had on the pan.

"Baby," he whined, leaning his back against the counter, and folding his arms over his chest. "I'm so sorry that I've been ignoring your feelings, sweetheart. You are right. I should be focusing on my health because I want to be around for as long as possible, so I get to be your husband one day. The father to your children one day. I never realized how much my actions affected you, but I promise that I will take it easy from here on out, so you don't have to worry your pretty little head anymore, Samantha."

You slowly turned toward him, letting your guard down. "Promise?"

"I promise, honey," he walked closer to you, setting down your spatula and turning off the stove. "I promise to take better care of myself."

"Thank you," you whispered, leaning into his chest. "You can be so stubborn sometimes!" You complained, causing him to laugh.

"I know, sweetheart. You are so kind to put up with me."

"I'm going to put up with you forever," you looked into his eyes, noticing how they gleamed with pride.

"Good, you better. Now, you better get your ass in bed, Samantha. You know I need to cuddle you every night," he said, dragging you to the bedroom. You lay on your side of the bed, allowing Jimmy to lay on top of you with his face resting in the crook of his neck.

"Get off of me!" You giggled, trying to get his weight off you, but he would not budge.

"No can do, Samantha! You deprived me of cuddles all night last night. The first part of my healing process is to lay with my beautiful girlfriend all day."

You laughed and just relaxed under him, running your fingers through his hair, and scratching at his scalp.

"I love you," you whispered, enjoying the calm in the silence.

"I love you too," he placed a gentle kiss on your neck. "Thank you for making me a better person."

"Anything for my clingy, stubborn lover."

thank you so much for reading! i hope you all enjoyed ! vote, comment, follow, and keep reading! thank you for all the support, just a reminder because I've been getting a lot of requests but requests are CLOSED. as i mentioned, this is just a temporary comeback and i've already gotten my 10 requests that i asked for. I appreciate that people are so eager to share their ideas, but please understand that requests are no longer being taken as stated on the request page. thank you so much! have a wonderful day/night! : ) < 3

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 18 ⏰

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