VI. The Russians

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AFTER ROSIE FLED from Mike's house, she pedaled faster than she ever had better, not caring about the rain droplets that tickled her face

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AFTER ROSIE FLED from Mike's house, she pedaled faster than she ever had better, not caring about the rain droplets that tickled her face.

Th girl weeped, knowing that she was in a place where she could cry as loud as she wants and no one around would hear. Rose pushed herself to not turn around and make up with Mike like she wanted to.

Roseanne biked pass her house. She didn't want to go home, she read Mike like a open book, knowing that he would try to come visit her if she went there.

What she really needed right now, was her mother, more than anything. She was aware that Jamie was busy with her yoga session but she didn't seem to think about that, just wanting to feel the warm, comforting embrace of her mother.

Rosie had cried so much that her throat started to grow sore and each tear that fell from her hetero-chromic eyes started to sting.

When she finally made it to the mall, she parked her bike in the bike rack. Before going inside, she hastily wiped the tears from her eyes and took a couple seconds to recollect herself.

Then, when she was ready, she pulled her raincoat hood over her head and kept her head down, walking into the mall. She spent no time, quickly moving her feet towards the yoga studio where her mom was.

Once she made it, she peaked inside through a window, seeing no one except two or three women which was not her mom. She sighed, frustrated that she came all this way for no reason.

As she was turning to go back, she subconsciously peaked over the edge of the ramp onto the first floor, taking a double take when she saw two familar people hiding behind a plant.

Rosie took it upon herself to go sneak up on the two of them, cracking a smile at how ridiculous they looked. She walked up behind them before speaking, "Found you" Her voice came out as loud as the two whipped around.

Both breathing heavily, Steve placed a hand on his chest to tame his rapid heartbeat. Dustin was quick to shush her, pulling her down by her arm so now, she was knealing behind the plant too.

"What are you guys doing?" She asked, finding it necessary to whisper, "See that guy right there?" Dustin pointed ahead at some guy with long, blond hair and black glasses to hide his face.

Dustin brought his binoculars to his face to inspect the man's movements more clearly.

"Look!" Dustin spoke up. Steve snatched the binoculars from his face, "Give me those" He demanded before putting his eyes through the binoculars holes. "Shit...duffle bag" Steve mumbled under his breath before turning towards Dustin.

"Evil Russian" The two realized in unison.

Rosie looked between the two, puzzled. "What?"

Dustin grabbed her by the wrist, "C'mon, try to be subtle" He quickly told her before he pulled her behind him as the three of them followed the suspicious blond man.

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