15: Trophy over dinner

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I woke up around four in the morning to get started. Nathan was game, even though our day was starting before the ass crack of dawn. I didn't start up the fire so I wouldn't get smoke on my clothes. I changed into dark clothes while I made Nathan go get a fresh pot of water.

Needless to say, Baine wasn't happy that I was taking Nathan instead of him. He scratched at the door and whined as I made sure it was 'locked.'

"I know boy, we'll be back in a few hours," I murmured guiltily.

Grabbing my backpack, I walked over to the edge of the lake to smear a handful of mud across my face. Scooping up some more, I walked over to Nathan.

"So I assume you know where the best spots are-"

I cut him short by swiping mud on his face too. He sputtered and stumbled back a few steps, wiping at his mouth.

"What was that for!?"

"Camouflage," I giggled childishly.

He playfully glared at me, "I have paint. I will get you back for that."

I shrugged and shouldered my bag, strapping my knife to my thigh. Nathan followed me with his own gear to the crack.

I stopped and leaned against the rock, turning to my hunting partner, "Okay so, about a mile and a half north we'll get to a creek, then two more miles and we reach an open spot where deer and elk like to stay. I like to be on the eastern side of that because I can have a rock face to my back. If we run now, we get there in under an hour. Got it?"

Nathan just stared at me before mumbling, "Run? You want me to run three and a half miles?"

I have been able to run about five miles before slowing down since track back in high school, this was simple and quick.

"Yeah. How bout it tough guy? Can't do it?" I smirked. I noticed I fractured a bit of his ego.

"Oh I can do it but are you sure you want to run? I don't want to have to carry you the rest of the way," Nathan puffed his chest out.

"Yeah sure, we'll see who's carrying who," I said and took off.

The thing about long distance running is to regulate you're breathing and your pace. I don't think Nathan knew that. I could hear him pounding behind me, and none too quietly. After I got to the creek, I waited for him to catch up.

I wasn't out of breath and it felt good to have a nice run. Nathan finally caught up, wheezing and puffing. I offered him my water bottle, which he took.

"D-damn girl, you can run," he wheezed, bending over to rest his hand on his knee.

"Yeah and you sure can make a lot of noise," I chuckled, leaning against a tree to let him catch his breath.

"Sorry," Nate said, taking another swig.

"You're going to have to start running if you want to keep up with me," I grinned, strapping my bag tighter to myself so it wouldn't thump against me when I ran.

"Apparently... You do know that I'm carrying at least forty pounds on my back right?"

"Yup. Suck it up butter cup. Ready to go?"

I started at a jog and soon picked up speed. Nathan dropped back behind me a ways but was still within sight. I weaved in and out of the forest foliage.

The smell of wet moss, pine needles and rich sap filled my nose. I heard slight giggling to my left and saw flashes of white running about seven feet away from me.

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